
From Thes1project


[edit] Statistics

Character Name: Demyx
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Gender: Male
The Item: Water Sitar
Journal: ix-personne @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit B, STALINGRAD; Apartment ONE

[edit] Personality

Demyx is extremely cheerful and kind of a ditz. He's blond so maybe that has something to do with it? He's a lover not a fighter, and, if someone asks him to tell someone else something, he usually has to use cue cards otherwise he either won't remember it or he'll say it entirely wrong. He's adorable and, in my honest opinion, is incredibly smart just doesn't show it. He's more the cheerful screw-off that always surprises people when he actually knows a lot more than he lets on. Also, he's sort of...bipolar. He can go from "Hey, no worries" to "Die, traitor" in a matter of moments, but only after he's really been pushed.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

He's an expert singer/sitarist and also has control over anything water.

[edit] History

Demyx was the 9th member in the dark Organization XIII. He was a nobody in the game, meaning he had no heart, and basically had to help the organization by killing heartless to gain the hearts they had stolen to help create Kingdom Hearts and to ultimately make themselves 'somebodies' again. All in all, Demyx doesn't remember what it was like to be somebody by insists that, although they're Nobodies, they do too have hearts. Out of all the members, in fact, he seemed one of the only ones who really had an indepth personality.

Unfortunately, Demyx had to go on a mission to call Roxas (nobody) out of Sora (somebody) and after failing the first time, he went again for his second and last time. In the fight, Sora defeated Demyx and Demyx disappeared in a splash of water.....only to find himself here?

[edit] Relationships

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