Wikihood 2/eps/7

From The Wikihood

{Strong Sader, with a large glowing crack growing across him, breaks in half, leaving his ghost where he originally stood.}

STRONG SADER: This does not bode well...

{The left half of Strong Sader's body reshapes into an evil looking Strong Sader, while the right forms into a shy, timed, scared looking, short haired Strong Sader.}

DARK SADER: Free at last!

MEEK SADER: Where am I? What am I doing here?

E-ROBOT AND ERIC: There he goes again

HOMESTAR: {Comes onscreen, talking to Dark and Meek Sader} Wow. When did you guys married?

POM POM: {Comes after Homestar, and makes angry bubble noises}

HOMESTAR: Whoa, Pom Pom. Let's tone down the language a little, okay?

STRONG SADER: They're not married! They're my good and evil side. The glitch must have split the personnality code in my file in two.

HOMSAR R.: So what now?? He's not going to explode, right?

DARK SADER: No, you're going to explode now!! {Manical laughter}


ERIC: {Strange look, then mutters to himself} this is getting outta control

HOMESTAR: Didya say something, glasses guy?

ERIC: Huh? What? Oh, no. Nothing.

{Dark Sader fires a beam of pure evil from his eyes and fries Homsar R. to a near crisp.}

HOMESTAR: {Takes out a little piece off Homsar R. and eats it} Mmm... Needs more Pluto.

HOMSAR R.: {Respawns} We need to get Strong Sader back together again!

STRONG SADER: That's impossible now, my respawn unit stops me from inhabiting my previous bodies. I though Dark Sader was gone forever. Looks like I was wrong.

MEEK SADER: Don't forget about me.

HOMSAR R.: I can't let you take over FCUSA DS!

HOMESTAR: What's a Dee-Es?

STINKOMAN K: Something stupid, I'm sure.

HOMESTAR: Ooh, like Marshie? Yeah, I hate that guy.

STINKOMAN K: ...Yeah, that stupid.

HOMESTAR: Hey, anyone wants fondue? I'll borrow Strong Bad's fondue pot. {Runs to Strong Bad's house}

{Aussie links in}

AUSSIE Hey guys my connection went out but here I am again. This is a well written mud.

APOC: Hey guys! Check out ma famil-

{Apoc is punched by Your Mom.}

APOC: {grunts} Hi mum.

YM: Shut up!

{Your Mom is punched by Lord X who is kicked by Eleanor who is punched by X-Bot, and they all end up fighting each other.}

APOC: Yep. This is a normal day.

{Pan to the right to show Dark Sader beating up Meek Sader and the now alive again Strong Sader.}

STRONG SADER AND MEEK SADER: {Simultaineously} Same here.

{Cut to a prison. Nemesi is hanging on a wall.}

GUARD 1: Wow, this is boring.

GUARD 2: Uh huh.

???: Open the door.

GUARD 2: Who are you two-- Oh, cr--

{Cut to outside the prison. Screams are heard.}

???: Heh heh...

{Pan up to the figure to see that it's Xenos.}

XENOS: Apoc won't see it coming...

{Cut back to the previous scene.}

HOMESTAR: PlotMan, you saved our life once again!


{PlotMan fades away; Stinkoman K salutes him}

AUSSIE: If you need someone to show plot to you this is not a well designed mud.

HOMSAR R.: Well, you know what that means: now i'll do a dance! {Does a dance}

{Xenos and Nemesi land}

NEMESI: I'm baaaaaaaaaack.

HOMESTAR: Whadda you want?

NEMESI: I want-

HOMESTAR: Shuddup! I was talking to the knight guy.

XENOS: We wan-

HOMESTAR: Shuddup! The other knight dude.

{Cut to show a knight in the background.}

KNIGHT: {speechbubble} lol wut

HOMESTAR: Oh. Ok then, bye!

KNIGHT: {speechbubble} omg lol

{The knight disappears}

HOMESTAR: Now... whadda ya want, you red The Cheat?

NEMESI: {fast} IwantApocandIwillkillhimdon'tgetinmywaykthanksbye.

{Nemesi punches Homestar and grabs Apoc and teleports away.}

APOC: {teleporting away} Oh shooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot- {disappears}

XENOS: {evilly} See you later.

{Xenos teleports away.}

HOMESTAR: What the crap?


STRONG BAD: Who cares?

{A giant Bubs walks onscreen. He roars.}

THE CHEAT: Mehelemeh.
SUBTITLES: Not again.

DARK SADER: What the crap? A giant Bubs? How conveniant! {Escapes}

STRONG BAD: Hey! Sader got away!

STINKOMAN K: I'll chase him! I need a major role in this episode! {runs after Dark Sader}

{Killing you guy walkes in with a cherry ICEE.}

KILLING YOU GUY: Hi. {Takes a slurp.}

Y2K: I am embarrassed at your grammar.

{Everything starts going backwards.}

K2Y: .rammarg ruoy ta dessarrabme ma I

{Stinkoman K runs in, still chasing Dark Sader}


K2Y: !elbataebnu si deepS repuS yM !kcab ruoy tog I

{.tsaf yllaer ,yllaer redaS kraD gnisahc strats K2Y}

CHWOKA: ...Why am I excempt from the glitches that effect you all except for Strong Sader, Eric, and Aussie? (OOC: Having multiple personalities made me, Strong/Dark/Meek Sader excempt somehow, Aussie just hacked his way in, Eric is a Admin.)

DARLON: Heh. "Dark Sader". What self-respecting evil twin has a modified version of his twins name?

VANHOCK: Darlon! You're back from your unexplained leave! Huggies! {Vanhock begins to walk towards Darlon, arms outstretched.}

DARLON: Get away, you fool! {Darlon grabs Vanhock's arms and knees him in the gut.}

{Cut to Chwoka, off somewhere else, when he turns around, he can see Darlon beating up Vanhock.}

CHWOKA: Ugh. Vanhock, do you have any sence at all? { ctretches his arms out and grabs Vanhock.} Vanhock, what were you thinking?

VANHOCK: Darlon's back!

CHWOKA: He's freakin' EVIL. Hey, wait, don't you have a TV show?

VANHOCK: Yeah. I guess I do.

CHWOKA: Good. on that.

{.kcab gnihtyreve snrut yug uoy gnilliK .Vanhock dna Darlon ,Chwoka htiw thgif tsif a otni teg dna fo pot no llaf yeht ,tsaf os ni kcab emoc redaS kraD dna K namoknitS ,K2Y}

KILLINGYOUGUY: Yay! I fixed everything.

DARK SADER: {Runs in} {To Darlon} Wha!? Another evil twin/clone/side? Wanna kill someone or something?

STINKOMAN K: {offscreen} No. But I does!

{Stinkoman K comes in stage right and tackles Dark Sader into submission. Dark Sader tosses Stinkoman K over his shoulder and kicks him in the head, knocking him out.}


Y2K: I'll have some fajitas.

{Cut to King of Town, who has some pans of fajitas. Y2K walks over to him, they talk a bit, and then they both start eating the fajitas. Cut to some dungeon. Apoc is hanging on a wall by chains. Nemesi is reading from some book, and Xenos is playing the computer.}

APOC: Hey Xenos, what you playing?

XENOS: Oh you know, Garry's Mod...

APOC: Cool! Can I play?

XENOS: In your dreams.

NEMESI: Silence. Now let's finish this. Xenos, give me his scythe.

XENOS: But it's sooooooooo far away.

{Pan out to show it's right next to him.}

NEMESI: Lazy son of a- {boom} -othing at all.

XENOS: What was that?

NEMESI: Sound effects.

{Cut to show a timecard reading "4 seconds later".}

NEMESI: Aw great what no-

{Timecard - "2 seconds later"}

NEMESI: The cr-

{Timecard - "2 years later (not)" Cut to show it's Xenos holding it.}

XENOS: Can you hurry this up? I'm out of timecards.

NEMESI: Feel the taste of death ApocalypX the first.

{Nemesi stabs ApocalypX, and he disappears, followed by Nemesi and Xenos, and the building they're in. Then cut to Eleanor, X-Bot, Lord X and Your Mom fighting, they disappear. Then other things disappear. Until it destroys the simulation and appears with an error 404. Cut to show Apoc in bed. It is night. He wakes up.}


{Cut to show Eleanor next to him.}

ELEANOR: Honey, go back to sleep.

APOC: But- {falls asleep}

{A card saying: "Not really, the dream sequence was the dream" comes on screen. Cut back to the field, where Strong Sader, Meek Sader and Chwoka are being beaten up by their evil counterparts. Strong Bad pops on screen.}

STRONG BAD: I demand more lines!

{Cut to some sort of prison.}

NEMESI: Crap. I hoped that he'd believe he had died.

COACH Z: {walks onscreen} That's it, black-clothed people! We're going to the FINORAALLLLLARS!

{Darlon and Dark Sader look at eachother, then throws Coach Z into the "Beat-down" pile with Strong Sader, Meek Sader, and Chwoka.}

DARLON: It's good to be back.

{Slow zoom out, as Darlon and Dark Sader restart the beat-up.}

VOICEOVER: And thus, the League of evil counterparts was forged by Darlon and Dark Sader, but what of our heroes? Tune in next time to find out!

{The credits roll over twice as fast as in 'Under Construction.' "The End" card flashes on screen.}

IX1X7a Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!...

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