Wikihood 2/eps/17

From The Wikihood

{Scene opens up to a sparce landscape, equivilent of the Great Depression, only present day. The good guys step outside of their house.}

HOMESTAR: {Enters} Hello little boy/girl! Would you care for a fun time treat!?!?!!!!1111

WILL: {Will looks much messier. He cracks a steel baseball bat over Homestar's head.} Come with me. We must avoid Darlon.

HOMESTAR: {Head pops off} MOO!!!!!!!111

{Will grabs Strong Sader, Ekul, and the rest and carries them to the forest.}

WILL: What's wrong with you!? NEVER be near Hockded (Alternate Reality Homestar)!

HOMSARDUDE: This is really getting too random for me.

WILL: Ignoring that comment, come with me into the LoG fortress.

{Cut to everybody squished inside a treehouse.}

WILL: First off, who are all of you?

DIGIMASTER: I'm Guybrush Threepwood a mighty pirate.

{Homsardude turns into a mixture between The Winged Dragon of Ra, a duck, and Exodia, and flys out while singing the Star Spangled Banner}

EKUL: I'm Ekul. This is Kyves. We come from a different universe.

Y2K: 2=1?

EKUL: (a-b)=(a-a)=0 CANNOT DIVIDE BY 0. QED'd

STRONG SADER: Wait a minute... {Edits some code like in the simulation} This isn't a parallel universe, we've been logged into the simulation! The LoE have completely re-engineered it!

DIGIMASTER: And how do we get out?

EKUL: Hmm... {Ekul returns to his Wikihood form} Well, my guess is that they put us back into the simulation in normal Wikihood chairs. That means... we can't log out...

WILL: What are you talking abou-

{A explosion is heard.}

WILL: Never mind, we gotta run. {Jumps out the door and runs. Zoom out to reveal a airship. Zoom in on the front deck, where Darlon is standing with a black cloak}

DARLON: Blue Laser grunts!


DARLON: Grid scan. Look for the LoG (Leigon of Good)

BLUE LASER SERVANT #1: Yes sir. {walks off}

(OOC: Darlon fused the simulation with the "real" world. The 4th qwall is still broken somewhere out there. Cut to the real world. ApocalypX and the G-Man are standing on a floating platform.}

G-MAN: Isn't this like old times?

APOC: Hey yeah! You're right.

G-MAN: We've been rather busy in your absence.

{Cut back to the simulation(?)}

DIGIMASTER: {Goes to explosion} What the crap?

{The group is seized by the Blue Laser troopers. Cut to a shot of the group being thrown into the cell from earlier. Cut then to the roof of the LoE fortress-tower. The roof is covered by a large transparent dome. The room's door is located on a tangent shaped block on the south corner of the room, large, elabourate desk sits at the far side opposite the door. At the desk sits the LoE's high councel; Darlon, Nived, Dark Sader and the Blue Laser Commander.}

DARK SADER: Now that the meeting has come to order, we must viset the prime matter on the agenda: The matter of those idiots down in the cell.

DIGIMASTER: {In Blue Laser Commander's voice} Set them free.

{Cut to the cell}

STRONG SADER: It's no use, Digit, they'll never do that. Lets just try to think our way out of this: The simulation has been fused into the real world because of the destruction of the fourth wall, but if the fourth wall were to be recreated... THAT'S IT! Somebody, create a plot inconsistency!

{Pan to Meek Sader, who is supposed to be inside Strong Sader's mind. The inconsistency restores Plotman's powers. He breaks into the cell.}

PLOTMAN: PLOT! {Fuses Meek Sader into Strong Sader}

STRONG SADER: Thanks, Plotman! While your at it, could you build a new fourth wall and separate the simulation from reality?

PLOTMAN: {Salues} Plot-plot!

{Plotman rebuilds the fourth wall. The Simulation and real world separate. The Users are returned to reality, except for Strong Sader, Ekul, Chwoka and Vanhock, who are held in the simulation by their evil alter-egos.}

DIGIMASTER: Oh great there stuck, I know! Plotman! Take me too the simulation!

{Plotmon transports Digimaster back to the simulation.}

EKUL: Actually, Nived isn't my evil form. I'm actually held here because Cul is here. Wait a second... The last episode is FILLED with plot inconsistancies. Where were you THEN Plotman?


EKUL: Oh that's right. Sorry, I forgot

DIGIMASTER: {Stuns Cul with tazer and sets Ekul free}

STRONG SADER: Digit, Cul is a good guy.


DIGIT: Sorry.

DIGIMASTER: Whatever, now to set Strong Sader free. {Darth Sader chucks him in jail cell with Strong Sader}

EKUL: Yeah, he's more of a part of my consciousness... Thanks for finding him though. I have decided to stay as long as Strong Sader does.

{Ekul stuffs Cul into his head. Cut back to the councel chamber.}

NIVED: Operation Contamination will begin soon. The opening phases are done, and we shall finally take over all...

DIGIMASTER: {In Blue Laser Commander's voice} ...chocolate.

DARK SADER: Shut up!

BLUE LASER GRUNT: The prisoners have escaped, sir.

DIGIMASTER: {In Blue Laser Commander's voice} No they haven't you fool.

BLUE LASER COMMANDER: I didn't say that!

DIGIMASTER: {In Darth Sader's voice} Yes you did you crap for crap.

{Some Blue Laser troopers aprehend Digimaster.}

NIVED: Hm. Well, he didn't hear anything but my statement about Operation Contamination.

DARK SADER: I haven't been preped properly on Operation: Contamination, explain.

DIGIMASTER: {Tazers Blue Laser troopers and hides.}

NIVED: Well, the plan is to infect the internet with a Cyber Virus which will take over all machines. Only people who follow our cause will be spared.

DARK SADER: Excellent plan! Could I see the schematics for the virus?

DIGIMASTER: {In Nived's Voice} On second thoughts let's cancel that.

NIVED: ...

DARK SADER: {Draws a gun and non-chalauntly shoots Digimaster.}

{Nived uses his powers to pound the now bullet wounded Digimaster into the ground.}

NIVED: Fool.

{Nived stabs him with the CORRUPTION flash drive}

DIGIMASTER: Darn that hurt. {Changes into Dark Digimaster}

DARK DIGIMASTER: Ah crap my Dark form is such a dork.

DARK SADER: Seems like perfect LoE matterial!

NIVED: Should we give him Electroshock therapy? We can't risk him giving away our information

DARK DIGIMASTER: And do you know what you need? A slap or a shot in the leg, either one is good enough.

DARK SADER: {Drives a probe into his brain} There, if he disobeys, we zap him!

DIGIMASTER: {Takes it out} There, if you do that again I'll slap you.

NIVED: Your spirit is not fractured, so this is a precaution. Remain dark to stay unharmed.

DARK SADER: Anyway, you won't be able to, you just ripped half your brain out.

{Pan to show half a brain is still attatched to the probe.}

DARK DIGIMASTER: Gross. {Puts it back in}

NIVED: Now. Dark Sader, what's your status report?

DARK SADER: The virus is finished and ready for releace according to the screen.

DARK DIGIMASTER: How do you know Strong Sader, Ekul and co. don't try to stop us?

NIVED: They can't stop this. The virus is ready to deploy and backed up. And if they try, oh we have a surprise

DARK DIGIMASTER: Okay.... say where are my minions.

NIVED: We share them. They always follow orders from their superiors unless it goes against the higher above.

DARK DIGIMASTER: I don't mean that. Before I was re-transformed into Digimaster I had 4 elemental creatures of darkness.

NIVED: Ah. I see.

DARLON: Well didn't we capture him? Ah well. Do it again.

{Coach Z and Bubs come in, still under LoE control}

COACH Z: As you worsh!

BUBS: Free chocolate for plotmen!


{Plotman goes over there. Coach Z jumps on him and struggles him to the ground. Bubs puts a Shark Cage on Plotman that has 3 walls.}

BUBS: Shark cage with no fourth wall!

{Cut to Chwoka, running for his life with the others.}

WILL: Ok, guys...there's a more secret base at...{breathes} Yello... {gets obliterated by a laser.}

OTHER CHARACTER: Yello WHAT? Yello Dello Mountain, or Yello Pit of Radioactive Toxic Acid Lava, or Yello Happy Land?

{Eleanor flies onscreen, holding a glowing demonic sword larger than her.}

ELEANOR: Ok, where is he?

DARK DIGIMASTER: Who, the muffin man?

{Homsardude butts in singing "Do you know the muffin man?"}

NIVED: That would have to be the most interesting way to blow your cover in breaking into a gigantic fortress.

DARK DIGIMASTER: Yeah. Hey what's this. {Pulls dagger from back} Ah. {Collapses and dies}

DARK SADER: Shall I begin the viral countdown?

{Digimaster's two forms appearm as ghosts.}

GHOST DIGIMASTER: Ahhh! I'm a ghost.



{Both fly through wall}

NIVED: The countdown will begin... now. Exactly one minute remaining

GHOST DIGIMASTER: {Re-enters and jumps in Nived's body and destories a machine and jumps back out body.}

NIVED: ...That would have sucked if I was the one that put it in the internet. Too late!

{30 seconds remaining before virus is fully deployed. Cut back to Ekul. He's stealthily moving to another cell and frees Strong Bad and Homestar}

HOMESTAR: Pewfect! I twied to eat my way out, but there was no spoon!

STRONG BAD: Ugh, shut up. Let's just go.

{Eleanor grabs Strong Bad.}

ELEANOR: {very angry} Where's Apoc?

STRONG BAD: He left this "simulation" thing everybody's talking about

GHOST DIGIMASTER: {To Ekul} Boo. Mwhahaha. By the way you've 30 seconds until the LoE's virus is finished.

{Cut to an airduct view. The LoE virus appears as a basketball sized spiked orb. Strong Sader crawls onto an opening on top of it.}

DARK SADER: Final countdown; 10, 9, 8...

{Strong Sader falls from above, landing on the virus and absorbing it into his coding, relaying it into his mind. He gets up and clutches his stomach. Ekul, Strong Bad and Homestar burst in.}

EKUL: Strong Sader! You absorbed the wrong thing! The virus is in the real world!

STRONG SADER: Oh contrare! The virus in launched into the real world through this USB connection. {Points to a USB connecter next to where the virus was.} By keeping it in the simulation, they insured that the virus could be protected physically and thus making it safer. As long as I hold the virus in my head, the world's safe.


DARK SADER: Remove his brain!


{Nived blasts Strong Sader into the ground.}

HOMESTAR: I'll save you!

{Homestar runs up to kick him, but Coach Z steps in front}

COACH Z: This is goring to hort!

{Homestar slams into Coach Z with such a force that he runs right through the walls. Cut to the outside, a star shaped hole bursts out of the side of the tower}

DARK SADER: Get him, you fools! We literally can't create a second one!

NIVED: No problem!

{Nived creates a field of no gravity. Strong Sader floats, but Homestar falls}

HOMESTAR: See youagaaaaaaaaiiiiinnnn...

STRONG SADER: Oh no you don't! {Electrifies the metel soles of his shoes, he is attracted to the metel floor and walks out of the field.}

NIVED: Get ready to-

{Ekul throws a fireball, having beaten all the Blue lasers. Nived turns around and makes an ice sheild}

EKUL: What!? That shouldn't be possible!

{The earlier Homestar caused destruction causes parts of the room to begin to collapse. Strong Bad uses his chip powers to transfer the virus to himself, unbeknownest to everyone else. Strong Sader sends out a large blast of electricity which breaks through the ice and stuns Nived.}

STRONG SADER: We have to leave!

GHOST DIGIMASTER: {Only seen by Strong Sader} And why don't you just get Plotman?

{OOC:Plotman doesn't help, he's basically a police officer!}

EKUL: Go! I can take them.

{Strong Bad jumps out. Ekul fights more Blue Lasers when an explosion occurs}

GHOST DIGIMASTER: And that's why I got rid of my cat. Ya know Strong Sader, if really don't want to listen to my life story, just say. {Disapears from Strong Sader's view and appears in Ekul's view} Hey Ekul, what just happened?

EKUL: It's the visor robot! I don't know how, but they got it!

{The Visor robot fires a beam at Ekul. It misses, but when it hits the ground, it explodes, injuring him}

EKUL: Ouch!

GHOST DIGIMASTER: Hmmm... {Takes over Visor Robot's body} I can't control this thing. {Crashs into wall and flies out}

{The robot goes haywire, firing everywhere and causing massive damage to the room. The floor collapses beneath Ekul and the robot as well as several Blue Lasers, causing them to fall through the floor, then the stress on the floor below caused that floor to collapse too.}

REGULAR WILL: What's going on here?

{Everyone stops.}

DYSTOPIAN WILL:Are...are...are you me?

REGULAR WILL: Uh, I guess. {takes out a root beer. Suddently, the DeSaderean crashes through the wall. Future Will steps out, wearing sunglasses.}

FUTURE WILL: Don't open the soda!

{Future Will is forced back to the future}

REGULAR WILL: Well then, I'm fine. This isn't a soda. It's a root beer. {Opens it up, and the episode comes to a screeching halt. "To be continued" is written like in Back to the Future. Homsardude apperes onscreen}

HOMSARDUDE: Hey everybody it's time for rock-paper-scissors fortune telling! 1,2,3!{Holds up rock} If you want your fortune, wait until the next episode, will ya'?

IX1X7a Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!...

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