Planet and Starbase Stories

From The Pardusian Chronicles

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Human Core Cluster

Alpha Centauri - Alpha Centauri is the closest star system neighboring Sol...

Andexa - Unfinished...

Beta Proxima - Beta Proxima Station plays a vital role in the stability of the cluster...

Epsilon Eridani - Epsilon Eridani was the second sector to be colonized by human explorers outside of Sol...

Ericon - The twin jewel planets of Ericon I & II...

Faexze - Situated between Epsilon Eridani and Alpha Centauri, two of the oldest human space colonies...

Hoanda - Originally established as a military outpost during the first intergalactic war...

Lave - Built primarily to facilitate research and overseeing mining operations in Miarin...

Ook - Unfinished...

Orerve - Unfinished...

PJ 3373 - A small and remote sector devoid of significant resources...

Quurze - Archeological studies indicated Quurze wasn’t always an ice planet...

Siberion - An unassuming sector tucked along the south-eastern edge of the human cluster...

Sol - Earth is the home world of Human kind...

Tau Ceti - Tau Ceti stands as the last bastion of human influences before the neutral zone...

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