Talk:Drug treatments To be dealt with of Impotence instructions Cure MALE IMPOTENCE Naturally2244432
From Technomancer
Hey Scott, what about Gordon Liddy spewing his hate for gnrmvneeot and law enforcement considering the fact, he took a gnrmvneeot job and he was once a law enforcement officer himself. If a leftie instructed the American people how to properly kill a law enforcement officer, Gordon and his fellow officers would have been all over the guy.Why didn't law enforcement officers arrested Gordon for his remarks and why didn't the FCC pull any license of any radio station that allow Gordon to spew such remarks?I bet you there were plenty of jokes about killing Obama. Furthermore, the dirty remarks about Obama has not stopped. They caught a Federal judge forwading an email regarding Obama. Ever since Obama came to office, the racist bigots have come out of the woodworks and the Repubilcons and tea baggers have aided and abetted them.The Republicons have been spewing hate particulary when they lose a presdiential election. They publicly stated that they were not going to cooperate with a Democratic president back in 1992 and 1996 (Clinton) and they have repeat it again in 2008 and again possibilty in 2012.