From Tearsofblood
The Plaguetouched are not a race of themselves, rather, they are the end-product of the Weeping and its affects on a body. Becoming Plaguetouched is the inescapable fate of the few humanoids that contract and survive the Weeping. For unknown reasons these lucky few were able to endure the disease and lived on. However, survival did not come without its price. The Weeping left gross deformities and massive mutations that mar the bodies of any survivors. The Plaguetouched are only just coming into their own as a people. They are still relatively new to Ursoule and are struggling to define a group identity. As such, individual choice and background is a huge element in the life of any Plaguetouched. The Plaguetouched are just beginning to form their own society from disparate elements, but a few things have concretely emerged. The Plaguetouched call themselves Tearfolk, seeing themselves as a complete product of the Weeping. The other races have a variety of names describing the Plaguetouched in the racial languages. The names are as follows:
- Dwarves:'Blodöga'/'Blodøje'(Blood-eye), Blodsoting (Blood-sickling), 'Pestramt' (Plague-touched)
- Giantkin: Sairuhs
- Baran: Cuzamh (leper), another alternative as yet unnamed.
- Feldarin: Kholeam (sick-people)
- Krvyn: Nemocrasa (sick race)
In addition, it is known that the Plaguetouched societies are self-sustaining through births. These children of Tearfolk are either Plaguetouched or simply a member of the original race of the parent with no distinguishable pattern.
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Plaguetouched often have the same personality as their original race; however, the ordeal they undergo through the plague may deeply affect the personalities of many individuals. For example, many Plaguetouched feel out-of-place in "normal" society; they feel that their ugly appearance disqualifies them from a "normal life," and tend to avoid most social contact. Others blame society for their deformations and deliberately ostracize themselves, often leaving their homeland entirely. The Weeping may also cause more specific effects. Tearfolk have been known to become psychotically paranoid, to develop a maddening hatred of Giantkin because of their plague-immunity, or even to regress into bestial habits. Occasionally the experience of surviving the Weeping has shattered the mind of the person causing multiple independent personas to develop. Personal reactions to the plague vary widely and are highly dependent on the individual.
Physical Description:
Plaguetouched generally retain the shape, size, and basic appearance of their original race. However, massive mutations are fairly common among the Tearfolk. Mutations vary greatly from person to person. The only exception being bleeding eyes, which is present in all Plaguetouched. More complex mutations are also fairly common among the Tearfolk. These mutations include massively deformations in legs, arms, skin, or face, as well as more subtle full body changes such as gaining reptilian traits. The Weeping will also leave at least one of a small set of impairments that are often, but not necessarily physical. Regardless of other mutations, the Weeping has usually left the survivor deformed enough to appear extremely ugly, or even hideous, by the standards of their original race or society.
Interactions between Tearfolk and others are strained at best. The wide range of personality changes present in the Plaguetouched and the variance in individual and cultural reaction to the Plaguetouched create a large set of possible reactions. The Plaguetouched, almost as a rule, feel out of place in their original society. Though some attempt to live a quiet life in society, avoiding others and perhaps hiding the fact of their mutations, many more leave society altogether. These Tearfolk often form their own settlements in out-of-the-way places. Generally, the reactions of society to the Tearfolk fall into three main categories: fear, sadness, and ambivalence. Many fear the Plaguetouched because of their hideous mutations; in addition, the ignorant view the Plaguetouched as a possible source of reinfection. Others view the plaguetouched as a reminder of the ordeal of the Weeping. They see in the Tearfolk a reflection of the death and the suffering. The third possible reaction is ambivalence. Some don't really like or dislike the plaguetouched, often for hidden personal reasons. However, some take ambivalence to the point of denying the existence of the Tearfolk or ignoring the presence of a Plaguetouched.
The alignment of the Plaguetouched depends entirely on the individual. There are no general trends in Tearfolk alignment because of the vast diversity in the backgrounds and traditions of the individuals. However, the profound effects of the plague upon the individual personality may cause a shift in personal outlook resulting in an alignment change.
The Plaguetouched have few lands of their own. There are no major Plaguetouched nations, and the small towns that they have built are so young that they have in general had very little chance to become important or even known. The Tearfolk settlements are almost always on the outskirts or frontiers of society, and are often geographically isolated. Apart from their settlements, the Tearfolk are spread across the entire area afflicted by the Weeping.
The Plaguetouched culture is still in its infancy. The new settlements are struggling to form a community identity, and no-one can say what it currently is. Individual Plaguetouched often retain some or many of the trappings of their former culture, so the settlements are a melting-pot of conflicting cultures and ideals. Some individuals despise their home society and have thrown off all its cultural effects. These Tearfolk are generally the people pushing for a united community identity, but also often contain the most radical of the plaguetouched.
The Plaguetouched, similar to their culture, do not as yet have a religious identity as a people. Religion among the Tearfolk is dependent upon the individual's cultural background and personal views. Plaguetouched range from either extremely spiritual to completely atheistic, with every shade in between. The Plaguetouched generally worship the same Five Gods as the other races and there are rumours of a small sect of the Plaguetouched who devote themselves entirely to the Plaguefiend for unknown reasons.
Plague Casualties:
Plaguetouched are those who contracted the Weeping and survived, therefore there cannot be deaths due to the plague among the Tearfolk. Many of the other races and some of the Tearfolk themselves account all Plaguetouched as casualties of the plague because of the radical physical and mental changes caused by the Weeping. Because of their prior survival of the Weeping the Tearfolk are immune to the Weeping, and cannot contract it again.
The Plaguetouched all still speak any languages of their original race, and many view it as part of their individual identity. However, because of the need to communicate among people of widely varying backgrounds, Common is largely supplanting the racial and cultural languages. Common is emerging as the dominant language of the developing plaguetouched communities.
Plaguetouched will in general retain personal names and naming systems of their original races. However, some Tearfolk abandon old names and take on personal constructed names. This is practiced most often by those who have rejected their background and seek to create an entirely new life as a Plaguetouched. There is currently no new and dominant naming system emerging in plaguetouched society.
<examples of constructed names go here. Feel welcome to submit some>
Plaguetouched adventure for a wide variety of personal reasons. They may adventure for many of the same reasons as their original race, or for many other reasons. Some seek to right the perceived wrongs that their original society did to them. Others simply seek a new home that is tolerant of the gross physical changes they bear. Occasionally Tearfolk may adventure because they wish for gainful employment and have no regard for personal safety. A few Tearfolk adventure in order to seek the source of the Weeping, whether to destroy it entirely or to use it for their own ends. In the end, the motivation for adventuring is dependent on the individual.
Game Rules Information
Because the Plaguetouched are the result of the effects of the Weeping on the body, Plaguetouched are represented by a racial template that can be applied to any race that can be afflicted by the Weeping. Also, no creature can gain the Plaguetouched template without having contracted and survived the Weeping.
Type - Type remains same as base creature. Humanoid Subtype changes to Plaguetouched Size, HD, Initiative, Speed*, AC*, Base Attack/Grapple, Attack and Full Attack*, Damage*, and Space/Reach-Same as base creature.
- These items may be changed, due to the nature of the individual plaguetouched's mutations.
Special Attacks: Same as base creature, and add the following:
- Spell-like Ability: 1/day: Touch of fatigue.
Special Qualities: Same as base creature, and add the following:
Plague Scars (Ex): Select one of the following:
- Deformed bone structure: -1 penalty to all str related skill checks. Carrying capacity is reduced as if the plague touched had a Str score 1 pt lower.
- Tics tremors and loss of coodination: -1 penalty to all ranged attack rolls, and to all dex related skill checks.
- Still has the occasional massive seizure: Roll an unmodified d20 at the begining of every turn. If it comes up one, the plaguetouched suffers a massive seizure, and loses a move action for that turn. To cast a spell that turn, the plaguetouched must pass a DC 15 concentration check.
- Mood/personality changes: -1 penalty to all cha related skill checks. -4 to will saves to resist mind-affecting spells.
- Degradation of senses: -1 to wis and wis related skill checks. Search checks take twice as long for these plaguetouched.
- Trouble remembering things: -1 to all int and int related skill checks(except craft). These plaguetouched's ranks in knowledge skills can't exceed their HD. Skill ranks already purchased may be reassigned, but only for know ranks that exceed the plaguetouched's HD.
Bleeding eyes: (Ex):A plaguetouched randomnly bleeds from his eyes. Every time the plague-touched fails a saving throw, unless his eyes are already bleeding, he must check for bleeding eyes. Roll 1d20. On a 1, his eyes bleed. The effect usually doesn't last very long, typical is 1d12 rounds. However, while it manifests, the plaguetouched has a -2 penalty to disguise checks if the opposing person can see his face, and -8 further penalty on bluff or disguise attempts to appear as anything other than a plaguetouched.
Base Saves: +2 to Fort saves to resist disease.
Abilities: +2 Con, -2 Wis. The plague leaves its survivors somewhat more resiliant, but deeply shaken.
Skills: Same as base creature.
Feats: One bonus [plaguetouched] feat may be selected from the following list if prerequisites are met: Blood Magic, Blood Rage, Clawed Hands, Corruption Sense, Deadly Madness, Death to the Immune, Deformed Legs, Ever-Bleeding, Fight the Plague, Freak Face, Greater Healing Blood, Healing Blood, Lizard Curse, Near death experience, Plague Paranoia, Poisonous bite, Savagery, Scarred Skinned, Scary look, Sidewinder, Split-Personas, Survivor's Song, Tearfolk Companion
Environment: Same as base creature.
Organization: Same as base creature with the following note. * Plaguetouched are typically outcast from their own societies as either horrors or mysteries to be feared or reminders of a time of great sickness. They are starting to band together to form new communities of acceptance.
Challenge Rating: Same as base creature.
Treasure: Same as base creature.
Alignment: Same as base creature.
Advancement: Same as base creature.
Level Adjustment: +0