From Tearsofblood
History of Ursoule Timeline
(key: a tilde (~) in front of a date means approximately. I took out the question marks because everything is still up for debate.)
- ~5000 B.L.: Gnomes discover the Hidden City/Dracolich
- 500BL: Hostilities begin between the Baran and the Caltan over the region where the Canal City now lies.
- 440BL: The Baran build Badul il-Saham on the western side of the disputed lands.
- 410BL: The Caltans build Llenwyn Castle on the eastern side of the disputed lands.
- 0: The Year of Landing; Feldarin Invasion Begins
- 5 A.L.: Group of Feldarin poets, sorcerors, etc. declare their opposition to the invasion.
- ~25 A.L.: The Plague Fiend is released; the Elves are created.
- 37 A.L.: Feldarin Capitol Founded at Cadothim. Conastania Erastus I (The Great) Crowned Empress.
- 58AL: Work begins on the Great Canal, but is stopped due to prolonged hostilities.
- 63AL: Badul il-Saham falls to Caltan forces.
- 64AL: Llenwyn Castle and Badul il-Saham both fall to the Feldarin. Caltan counter-seiges and Baran raids continue thereafter.
- 70AL: The Caltans are pacified in the south through diplomacy. Those who do not submit to Feldarin rule are massacred, and the survivers flee north, where Caltan resistance is still strong.
- 71AL: The last Baran warriors in the region are defeated. Sultan Araq Shibid-Qorim is captured and excecuted, and the Feldarin seize control of all Baran cities
- 114 A.L.: Conastania killed in battle; Emperor Azra Iascends to the throne
- 116AL: The Great Canal is finally completed. By now, Llenwyn and al-Saham are twinned Feldarin towns in the shadows of their respective castles.
- 143 A.L.: Emperor Azra I is slain in battle against the Caltans of the north. His daughter, Jerusha I, ascends to the throne.
- 144 A.L.: Jerusha offers the Caltans the right to live in Llenwyn in exchange for peace. Those who do not accept are weakened by the loss, and are forced north of Kvrinzemya by Dwarven warriors.
- 166 A.L.: Emperor Fibeon I ascends to the throne
- 187 A.L.: Emperor Gaman I (the Just) ascends to the throne
- 203AL: Llenwyn and al-Saham are officially united as The Canal City.
- 206 A.L.: Formation of the Arch-Duchy of Kvrinzemya
- 229AL: The Canal City becomes the largest city in the Empire, with a population of 500,000 people.
- 241 A.L.: Emperor Daliach I ascends to the throne
- 246 A.L.: Daliach launches his first campaign to conquer Phoedra.
- 247 A.L.: Daliach's forces capture the city of Hieronopolis, easternmost of the five major Phoedran cities.
- 248 A.L.: The Halphanos League is formed to oppose Daliach's invasion. Founding cities include Coranopolis, Cardith, Parakopolis, and Teonascus. Daliach is defeated at the battle of Eleussene Pass and retreats to Hieronopolis, ending his first Phoedran campaign.
- 252 A.L. - 257 A.L.: Second Phoedran Campaign
- 261 A.L.: Third Phoedran Campaign begins.
- 264 A.L.: Daliach killed in battle, ending the Third Phoedran Campaign; Emperor Gaman II ascends to the throne
- 265 A.L.: Gaman II pulls most of the Feldarin Legions out of Phoedra and crowns Sulanus Mardaß King of Phoedra in Hieronopolis.
- 266 A.L. - (?): Gaman II faces difficulties with the last free Northern Caltans south of the mountains (?)
- 282 A.L.: Empress Adonilah ascends to the throne
- 294 A.L.: King Mardaß of Phoedra dies. Riots erupt in Hieronopolis and his successor, Kouras, is assassinated. Empress Adonilah negotiates a compromise with the conquered Phoedrans that creates the Eastern Regency.
- 309 A.L.: Emperor Sonath I ascends to the throne
- 343 A.L.: Emperor Judal I ascends to the throne
- 356 A.L.: Emperor Judal is assassinated sending the Feldarin Empire into civil war.
- 356 - 360 A.L.: Time of Many Emperors
- 360 A.L.: Emperor Aran I ascends to the throne, ending the civil war.
- 386 A.L.: Empress Jezra I ascends to the throne
- 408 A.L.: Empress Azubia I ascends to the throne
- 432 A.L. : Orc Continent Discovered
- 443 A.L.: Empress Jecoliah I ascends to the throne
- 474 A.L.: Emperor Jedidah I ascends to the throne
- 494 A.L.: First outbreak of the Plague, fairly small and contained.
- 499 A.L.: Emperor Deriah I ascends to the throne
- 503 A.L. : Plague returns to wreak massive casualties.
- 506 A.L.: Height of the Plague; Emperor Deriah dies and is not replaced.
- 509 A.L. : Last year of the Plague
- 514 A.L. : Present Day