The Art of the Mage
From Summoner
A spiritual sister to the Art of the Warrior, the Art of the Mage enhances the use of Numina, either to harm or to heal, and gives a Summoner more versatile box of tools in their Drawing Out. These powers apply to any use of Numina, either with Alter Selves, invested cards, or other, stranger means.
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Be My Spirit (O)
Using the burst of Id achieved by the Drawing Out, the Summoner enhances the use of a Numina. The successes rolled on the Drawing Out become bonus dice for the power's activation roll.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive
Be My Flesh (OO)
The Drawing Out can leave a Summoner exposed during a vital, dangerous moment, this power serves as an aura of force around the Summoner, deflecting blows and offering a degree of defense. Attacks against the Summoner suffer a penalty equal to the successes rolled on the Drawing Out. This penalty erodes by one for each attack the Summoner faces, and fades completely at the beginning of the Summoner's next action.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive
Be my Power (OOO)
By investing a portion of the Summoner's conviction and self into the Drawing Out, the use of Numina gain power and become deadlier or more potent in their ways. Fires burn hotter, and often with disturbing or awe-inspiring displays in their dancing pyres. Healing becomes more profound, and ecstatic to the touch. The exact nature of the display is colored by the Summoner, the Alter Self, and the Summoner's Identity. By spending a point of Willpower, the affect Numen gains the 9-again rule for that roll.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive
...In For a Pound (OOOO)
It is not uncommon for a Summoner to face multiple foes, but most Numina are directed against a single foe, and have their own inherent limitations. This Art was designed to mitigate that somewhat, allowing an experienced or desperate Summoner to channel additional power into driving Numina towards multiple targets, for a variety of effects. The powers benefit from a medium burst for an additional point of Willpower, and a long burst for a point of Id and a point of Willpower. These autofire rules apply just as they would with an automatic weapon, but are not dependent on ammunition: the only real measure of a Summoner or Alter Self's capacity are their relevant traits.
Cost: 1 Willpower or 1 Id, 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive
Schadenfreude (OOOOO)
This power allows for the act of imposing one's own Ego onto another to reap sustenance. The roars of battle, the hushed silence of a healer's touch...these actions give strength to one's perspective and justifies their beliefs their action. As such, their Alter Self can harvest that reality into a store of Id.
By successfully using one of an Alter Self's Numina on a target, the Summoner regains a single point of Id. On an exceptional success, they may regain either three points of Id or a point of Willpower. When powers that affect multiple targets are used, only the benefit for the most potent roll is reaped.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive
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