Third Man Studios
From Stripespedia

Third Man Studios was Jack White's childhood/early adulthood home, as well as the location of his home studio, where most of the band's early material was recorded. It was located on 1203 Ferdinand Street in Detroit, Michigan, and is pictured in the liner notes for The White Stripes. Presumably, it's also the house featured in the videos for "Hotel Yorba" and "We're Going to Be Friends". Eventually, he upgraded to the far more luxurious mansion at 1731 Seminole in Detroit.
As of 2010, this historical treasure of a house is for sale. The exterior red-and-white paint job, as pictured in the liner notes of The White Stripes, has significantly been changed to a less colorful white. How long will it take ’til someone's alone, sitting on the front porch of that home?