Johnny Walker
From Stripespedia

Johnny Walker (born Johnny Wirick) is an Ohio musician and singer-songwriter, currently based in Covington, Kentucky. Walker is best known as the guitarist and vocalist for the Soledad Brothers. Before the Soledad Brother, he fronted Henry and June and briefly played bass for the Detroit Cobras. He currently fronts the Cut in the Hill Gang.
Walker, whose bandmate Ben Swank was Jack White's roommate back in the day, reportedly taught Jack how to play slide guitar. Walker explains, "[Jack] had a four track in his living room and invited me to come by and do some recording. In return, I showed him how to play slide." He played slide guitar on the tracks "Suzy Lee" and "I Fought Piranhas" on the band's debut album.
Johnny also supposedly did all the wiring for Jack's Triple Tremolo.