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From Stormravengaming

A character with the feat Wuxia gains the ability to fly with poor maneuverability. He can also stand on or walk across very tenuous surfaces, solid or liquid, including open water, without sinking or leaving footprints.

Characters may take this new Feat. Use the following information.


You have mastered a martial arts flying technique.

Prerequisites: Wis 15, Balance 12 ranks, Jump 9 ranks, Rice Paper Walk.

Benefit: You gain a fly speed of 30 feet with poor maneuverability (Dungeon Master's Guide p20). You can stand on or walk across any surface that would support 1/100th your weight without breaking or deforming that surface. Weaker surfaces are broken or deformed as though you weigh 1/100th your actual weight. You can walk across any solid or liquid surface (including open water) without sinking or leaving footprints. You lose the benefits of this feat if you wear medium or heavy armor or carry a medium or heavier load.

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