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The Perils of Superleap

From Stormravengaming


GM: Segment 6 is up. Leapin’ Lizard, still back at the warehouse entrance, has an action.

Leapin’ Lizard: How hurt are the agents I just KO’d?

GM: All three are out cold, but nobody seems to be mortally injured.

Leapin’ Lizard: OK, a full noncombat move Superleap would take me to the edge of the dock where the others are, yes?

GM (innocuously): Yes... is that your action?

Spastic Man: Wait up, Liz! You don’t want to miss the hex and land in my sticky Entangle patch, or overshoot and land in the harbor! Aren’t you Susceptible to salt water?

Leapin’ Lizard: Uh, yes...

Spastic Man: What would you need to hit DCV 3 after range penalties?

Leapin’ Lizard: Uh, can I put levels in it?

GM: No. Your levels are in kung fu; this isn’t a martial maneuver.

Leapin’ Lizard: In that case, 11 or less.

Spastic Man: Too risky... wait! I have a held half-action! I perform a Grab on the hex adjacent to me!

GM: You do what?

Spastic Man: I grab the hex... my levels are already set on OCV... [rolls dice] got it! By grabbing the hex, I reduce its DCV to 0, thus allowing Liz to leap to it on a 14-. Hop on over, LL!

GM: Just a second. A grabbed target gets an immediate chance to break free using casual STR. The casual STR of the hex is based on the inertia of the planet, so... [gathers all dice within reach, rolls, does not look at result] it succeeds.

Spastic Man: The hex just shook me off?

GM: No, you’re still holding the hex, you’re just not strong enough to impair its freedom of action.

Nebulor: Hang on. I’m unconscious until after Segment 12, so my DCV is 0. LL, declare a Move-By on me and choose to exert 0 STR. The velocity dice alone won’t beat my defenses.

GM: Good plan, but because he is using Superleap, he’ll need to successfully hit your hex before he gets to roll to hit you.

Nebulor: Well, shouldn’t my hex suffer a DCV penalty for being pinned under my unconscious body?

GM: You weigh 200 pounds. The hex’s casual STR is, again, more than sufficient to bear your weight without any encumbrance penalty. In fact, you are providing the hex with Partial Cover +2 DCV.

Leapin’ Lizard: Man, I’ll never hit that hex with you on top of it...

Xamantha: This hex hasn’t got us beat yet! Leapin’ Lizard, take a segment to aim at the original hex. I’ll use my glowing sword like one of those runway attendant beacon sticks, and help you aim by waving you in.

GM: Sure... that’s worth an extra +1. Nobody goes on segment 7. Segment 8, the villains’ hydrofoil continues to accelerate as they depart, and Leapin’ Lizard needs to roll a 13 or less for his leap after range, aiming, and cooperative action modifiers...

Leapin’ Lizard proceeded to roll a 17 and land in the water. The Susceptibility damage was 3d6 per segment. With one teammate unconscious, one with permanent Density Increase and one a slow Brick whose held action had been used to grab a hex, the redoubtable reptile was knocked out and at negative BODY by the time his friends fished him out of the drink. The villains (apart from the mooks at the warehouse entrance) escaped. Hex 1, Heroes 0.

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