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From Stormravengaming

A tessellated suit of armor is composed of scores, perhaps hundreds or even thousands, of fragments that assemble themselves to form a complete suit of armor. Tessellated armor acts in all ways as light armor, regardless of its original type. For instance, it can be worn without penalty by a character proficient only with light armor, and it counts as light armor for purposes of class abilities that depend on armor type (such as a barbarian's fast movement ability). The armor's armor check penalty is reduced by 2 (to a minimum of -0), and its arcane spell failure chance is reduced by 10% (to a minimum of 0%). These reductions stack with similar reductions granted by the masterwork quality, mithral construction, and so forth. Tessellated armor does not reduce the wearer's movement speed as medium and heavy armor does.

At will, the wearer of tessellated armor may command the armor to stow itself into any suitable container (such as a backpack, chest or armor stand), or to assemble itself upon his body from such a container, as long as the container is within touch range. The pieces of armor animate and whirl through the air to or from the container. If the wearer is equipped with items that normally go over armor, such as a shield, cloak or backpack, the tessellated armor maneuvers around these items so that they remain in their proper position. Commanding the armor to stow or assemble itself is a free action, and the armor completes the action instantly.

Once per day, the wearer of tessellated armor may activate a hypnotic pattern as the spell (caster level 8th). The fragments of armor shift in position and orientation, glisten, glow and reflect light in such a way as to mesmerize targets in the affected area.

Only armor that is primarily made of a hard substance that can be polished to a reflective shine (such as metal, stone or crystal) can be made tessellated.

Example Tessellated Armor

Armor Cost Type Armor
Max Dex
Armor Check
Arcane Spell
Speed Weight
30 ft. 20 ft.
+2 tessellated mithral full plate 19650 gp Light +10 +3 -1 15% 30 ft. 20 ft. 25 lb.

Faint illusion and transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, hypnotic pattern, levitate; Market Price +1 bonus; Cost to Create –; 0 lb.

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