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Spellbook of Presto I
From Stormravengaming
Spellbooks of Presto |
Volume I |
This spellbook, written in non-obfuscated arcane rendering (see House Rules), was left by Presto as a gift to the Princes of the Universe. It is the first of five volumes.
Spell Level | Spells | Pages |
0 | acid splash (VS/s), arcane mark (VS/s), dancing lights (VS/s), daze (VSM: wool or similar substance/s), detect magic (VS/s), detect poison (VS/s), disrupt undead (VS/s), flare (V/s), ghost sound (VSM: bit of wool or lump of wax/s), light (VSM: firefly or piece of phosphorescent moss/s), mage hand (VS/s), mending (VS/s), message (VSF: short piece of copper wire/s), open/close (VSF: brass key/s), prestidigitation (VS/s), ray of frost (VS/s), read magic (VSF: prism/s), resistance (VSM: miniature cloak/s), touch of fatigue (VSM: drop of sweat/s) | 19 |
1 | alarm (VSF/s), animate rope (VS/s), burning hands (VS/s), cause fear (VS/s), charm person (VS/s), chill touch (VS/s), color spray (VSM/s), comprehend languages (VSM/s), detect secret doors (VS/s), detect undead (VSM/s), disguise self (VS/s), endure elements (VS/s), enlarge person (VSM/r), erase (VS/s), expeditious retreat (VS/s), feather fall (V/f), Tenser's floating disk (VSM/s), grease (VSM/s), hold portal (V/s), hypnotism (VS/r), identify (VSM: 100gp pearl/h), jump (VSM/s), mage armor (VSF/s), magic aura (VSF/s), magic missile (VS/s), magic weapon (VS/s), mount (VSM/r), obscuring mist (VS/s), protection from chaos (VSM/s), protection from evil (VSM/s), protection from good (VSM/s), protection from law (VSM/s), ray of enfeeblement (VS/s), reduce person (VSM/r), shield (VS/s), shocking grasp (VS/s), silent image (VSF/s), sleep (VSM/r), summon monster I (VSF/r), summon nature's ally I (arcane) (VSF/r), true strike (VF/s), unseen servant (VSM/s), ventriloquism (VF/s) | 43 |
2 | Melf's acid arrow (VSMF/s), alter self (VS/s), arcane lock (VSM: 25gp gold dust/s), bear's endurance (VS/s), blindness/deafness (V/s) blur (V/s), bull's strength (VSM/s), cat's grace (VSM/s), command undead (VSM/s), continual flame (VSM: 50gp ruby dust/s), darkness (VM/s), darkvision (VSM/s), daze monster (VSM/s), detect thoughts (VSF/s), eagle's splendor (VSM/s), false life (VSM/s), flaming sphere (VSM/s), fog cloud (VS/s), fox's cunning (VSM/s) | 38 |
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