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Psionics are different

From Stormravengaming

Psionics and magic are different, two distinct forms of energy, accessed and controlled by different means. As such, they are not easily affected by each other. This has a variety of detailed effects on spells, powers and creatures.
This rule modifies Psionics are Different, Expanded Psionics Handbook page(s) 65.

Psionics and magic are two distinct forms of energy, accessed and controlled by different means. As such, they are not easily affected by each other. Use the following rules.

Detecting and Dispelling: The spells detect magic and dispel magic have no effect when cast against any psionic power, effect or item. Likewise, the powers detect psionics and dispel psionics have no effect when manifested against any magical spell, effect or item.

Mind-Affecting Spells and Powers: Spells, special abilities and other effects that protect the mind against enchantment spells and related magical effects provide only half as much protection against similar psionic effects. Powers, special abilities and other effects that protect the mind against telepathy powers and related psionic effects provide only half as much protection against similar magical effects. For instance, elves gain only a +1 bonus on their Will saving throws against psionic charm (whereas they would get +2 against a magical charm person).

Dead Magic/Null Psionic Areas: Antimagic field and similar effects do not hinder psionics. Null psionics field and similar effects do not hinder magic.

Spell Resistance and Power Resistance: Spell resistance does not impair the effect of psionic powers, nor does power resistance impair the effect of magical spells. However, see Creature Evolution below.

Creature Evolution: Any psionic creature (a creature with any psionic abilities) with spell resistance has power resistance equal to its spell resistance. Any non-psionic creature with spell resistance 11 or more also has power resistance equal to its spell resistance -10. Any creature with power resistance 11 or more also has spell resistance equal to its power resistance -10. Creatures that already have both spell resistance and power resistance entries in their descriptions are not affected by this rule.

Unless specifically noted otherwise, effects and abilities that increase or reduce one kind of resistance on an individual creature do not also affect the other kind of resistance.

Specialty Spells and Powers: Magical spells that affect psionics (such as detect psionics or dispel psionics) are not commonly available but may be researched according to the rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide (p198). Psionic powers that affect magic (such as detect magic or dispel magic) are likewise not commonly available but may be researched according to the rules in the Expanded Psionics Handbook (p64). Such spells and powers are likely to be less powerful than comparable spells and powers that affect their own type of energy. Coordinate with the DM to determine the final write-up of each such spell or power.

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