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Spellbook of Presto II
From Stormravengaming
Spellbooks of Presto |
Volume I Volume II |
This spellbook, written in non-obfuscated arcane rendering (see House Rules), was left by Presto as a gift to the Princes of the Universe. It is the second of five volumes.
Spell Level | Spells | Pages |
2 | ghoul touch (VSM/s), glitterdust (VSM/s), gust of wind (VS/s), Tasha's hideous laughter (VSM/s), hypnotic pattern (SM/s), invisibility (VSM/s), knock (V/s), levitate (VSF/s), locate object (VSF/s), magic mouth (VSM: honeycomb and 10gp jade dust/s), minor image (VSF/s), mirror image (VS/s), misdirection (VS/s), obscure object (VSM/s), owl's wisdom (VSM/s), phantom trap (VSM: iron pyrite and 50gp dust/s), protection from arrows (VSF/s), pyrotechnics (VSM/s), resist energy (VS/s), rope trick (VSM/s), scare (VSM/s), scorching ray (VS/s), see invisibility (VSM/s), shatter (VSM/s), spectral hand (VS/s), spider climb (VSM/s), summon monster II (VSM/r), summon nature's ally II (arcane) (VSF/r), summon swarm (VSM/r), touch of idiocy (VS/s), web (VSM/s), whispering wind (VS/s) | 62 |
3 | arcane sight (VS/s), blink (VS/s), clairaudience/clairvoyance (VSF/10m), daylight (VS/s), deep slumber (VSM/r), dispel magic (VS/s), displacement (VM/s), explosive runes (VS/s), fireball (VSM/s), flame arrow (VSM/s), fly (VSF/s), gaseous form (SM/s) | 36 |
Blank pages | 2 |