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Aervi is a game world invented by Stormraven for use in his campaign, the Pathway of Myrlem. It is a world of High Fantasy, and many of the world's elements are borrowed directly from the Dungeons & Dragons core rulebooks. Aervi was also used in GrecoRoman's campaign, the Battle at the Galenvale Dells.

Neither Stormraven nor GrecoRoman ever named the world in their campaigns, but after both were concluded, Stormraven solicited for suggestions for a world name, and GrecoRoman proposed "Aervi."



Map of Aervi

Creator Stormraven

Only a small portion of Ferril has been mapped, a region of about 400,000 square miles (roughly comparable to the area of California). Within this area is a large variety of land and water forms, including mountains, plains, forests, deserts, swamps, rivers, lakes and oceans. (See map at right.)

The most prominent geographical feature is the pair of mountain chains that join in the north, forming an inverted V. The western mountain chain, the Whitefang Mountains, dies out near Falhaven Forest and the ocean shore. The eastern mountain chain, the Karokus Mountains, reaches further south and drops away in the Barrens. Considering that the mountains continue to the north for untold miles, the Whitefangs might be considered just a spur of the greater Karokus range. Between these mountains is a lush valley populated with coniferous and deciduous woods and fertile plains.

The greatest desert in the mapped region is the Barrens, in the southeast. This desert is expanding. At one time, the highway from Kingsport passed through this area. Now it simply dies in the wasteland.

To the west of the Whitefang Mountains lies a lonely, fearsome mountain: the Grimspire. It is a towering peak surrounded by miles of low, rocky wasteland where, despite the otherwise favorable climate, nothing will grow.

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