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Rebecca Ravenstone

From Stormravengaming

Revision as of 00:00, 9 December 2006 by Jeremy (Talk | contribs)
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8 8 STR -2 (22)a 2 2 PD 0
18 18 DEX 24 (24)a 4 4 ED 0
20 20 CON 20 5 5 SPD 22
8 8 BODY -4 10 10 REC 8
18 18 INT 8 40 40 END 0
23 23 EGO 26 25 25 STUN 3
(20)b 10 10 PRE 0
(20)b 10 10 COM 0 Characteristics Cost: 105
OCV 6 + 0 = 6
DCV 6 + 0 = 6
ECV 8 + 0 = 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

{{{Body damage}}} {{{Stun damage}}} {{{End spent}}}
{{{Other damage}}}

Skills & Perks

  Frathm Telepathic Security Agent Package
3 High Society 14  
3 Seduction 14  
2 KS Frathm TSA 11  
2 KS Frathm law 11  
2 KS Telepathic species 11  
-2 Package Bonus  
2 CK Local city 11  
3 KS Hot spots and trends (PRE-based) 14  
2 KS Media personalities 11  
9 Contact: TSA (very useful) 8  
1 Money: Well off ($100,000 per year)  
2 Reputation: Heroine (large group) 11  
29 Skills Cost

Powers & Talents

  Telepathic Security Agent
37 EC Mental Powers 37 37
  Psychic Disguise
22 e Shape Shift (all Sense Groups) 50 75 (Zero END Cost +1/2) 0
(Imitation, Makeover, any humanoid) (Not vs. animal, machine, or targets without EGO -1/2)
(vs. targets with Mental Awareness, acts like 35-point Mental Illusion -1/4)
  Mind Reading
34 e Telepathy 6d6 40 50 (Half END Cost +1/4) 2
(Classes: human, alien)
Telepathy +4d6 = 10d6 20 25 (Half END Cost +1/4) +1
(IAF amplification circlet -1/2)
  Mental Domination
23 e Mind Control 6d6 40 50 (Half END Cost +1/4) 2
(Classes: human, alien) (Must first achieve and maintain EGO+10 Telepathy result -1/2)
Mind Control +4d6 = 10d6 20 25 (Half END Cost +1/4) +1
(Limitation as above -1/2)
(IAF amplification circlet -1/2)
  Memory Manipulation
12 e Transform 1 1/2d6 Minor 15 56 (Based on ECV +1) 4
(Applies vs. Mental Defense) (Works against EGO, not BODY +1/4)
(Heals through telepathic rehabilitation) (Invisible Power Effects: effect is imperceptible to target +1 1/2)
(Visible to Mental Sense Group) (Limited target: human or alien memories -1)
(Extra Time: full phase -1/2)
(Concentration: 1/2 DCV -1/4)
(If interrupted, all progress is lost -1/4)
Transform +1/2d6 = 2d6 5 19 (Advantages as above +2 3/4) +3
(Limitations as above -2)
(IAF amplification circlet -1/2)
  Microspace Tunneling
34 e Teleport 15"/30" 40 50 (Half END Cost +1/4) 1
(No Relative Velocity)
Teleport +10" = 25"/50" 20 25 (Half END Cost +1/4) +2
(IAF amplification circlet -1/2)
  Defensive Screen
a 24 e Forcefield 8/8 16 20 (Half END Cost +1/4) 1
PD +10, ED +10 20 20 (Visible -1/4) +0
(Costs half END -1/4)
(Linked to Forcefield -1/2)
Forcefield +6/6 = 14/14 12 15 (Half END Cost +1/4) +1
(IAF amplification circlet -1/2)
PD +10 = +20, ED +10 = +20 20 20 (Visible -1/4) +1
(Costs half END -1/4)
(Linked to Forcefield -1/2)
(IAF amplification circlet -1/2)
b 10 PRE +10, COM +10 15 15 (Not vs animal, machine, or targets without EGO -1/2) 0
  Mind Screen
20 Mental Defense 25 20 20 0
216   Powers Cost
29   Skills Cost
105   Characteristics Cost
350   Total Cost


20 DNPC Celebrity boyfriend of the week (normal, 14-)
5 Distinctive Features Frathm TSA mental training (not concealable, noticed, requires Mental Awareness)
5 Distinctive Features 19th century dialect blended with frathm terminology (easy, noticed)
20 Watched Frathm TSA (more powerful, NCI, public identity, 11-)
5 Physical Limitation Affected by mental powers both as a human and as a frathm (infrequent, slight)
5 Physical Limitation Unfamiliar with modern terran technology (infrequent, slight)
15 Psychological Limitation Adventurous (common, strong)
15 Psychological Limitation Loves public attention (common, strong)
10 Psychological Limitation Impatient (common, moderate)
10 Reputation Heartbreaker (11-)
5 Reputation Impetuous (11-, only among frathm TSA)
15 Social Limitation Public identity (frequent, major)
10 Social Limitation Not a legal citizen (infrequent, major)
10 Social Limitation Subject to recall into TSA service (infrequent, major)
150 Disadvantages Total UNSPENT XP
200 Base Points 0
0 Experience Points Spent
350 Total Points  


Rebecca Ravenstone is a beautiful mentalist trained and for a time employed by the extraterrestrial frathm as a security agent. Now back on earth, she makes her way with confidence and style through a world no longer familiar to her.

Rebecca is a gorgeous woman with a blazing mane of curly red hair and a striking, curvaceous physique. Her smile is radiant, and her playful, green eyes easily capture the hearts of men. She favors trendy fashions that show off her body in colors that complement her hair and eyes.

For the most part, though, this is all an illusion. In truth Rebecca uses her telepathic powers to create this image in the minds of her observers. Rebecca is actually fairly plain, maybe a little on the pretty side, but not a woman to fall over backwards for. Unfortunately, it is this true image that is usually captured on film because her powers do not work on inanimate objects.


There's always something they don't tell you. Rebecca should have been more careful.

A space-faring alien race called the frathm used trained telepaths in a security force called the Telepathic Security Agency (TSA), part law enforcement agency and part military service. But telepaths are rare among the frathm as they are among humanity, so they make a practice of recruiting potential agents from among the races living in the space they explore. Rebecca was to be one such recruit.

She leapt at the opportunity. Rebecca was never one to shrink from a challenge or hesitate when offered adventure. And the terms sounded good to her. She would receive training to develop her mental abilities – at the time nascent, a mere potential, theretofore unrealized – followed by six years of service to the frathm in the TSA. After that, she would receive some generous perks but would also be subject to recall into service, should the frathm have need.

The part they didn't tell her was that, due to security concerns, her telepathic training would take place in a deep gravity well. From her perspective it only took about eighteen months, but back on earth more than a century slipped by. She finished out her training and her years of service unaware of the time differential. But when Rebecca returned home, her friends and family were long gone, and she was faced with a world almost as alien to her as the frathm had been.

House Rules

This character write-up incorporates the following house rules:

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