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Image:Eberron_logo.png This article uses rules from the Eberron Campaign Setting.
Content is incompatible with campaigns that do not use the same rules.
Species Kalashtar
Class and Levels PSION 5

Campaign Eberron (Stormraven)
Role Hero
Base Sharn
Status Active
Human Clr 1 Mnk 4
Medium Humanoid (human)
Hit Dice 5d4+5 (30 hp)
Initiative +1
Speed 30 ft. (base 40 ft.)
Armor Class 14 (+1 Dex, bracers of armor +1), touch 14, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple +3/+4
Attack Masterwork quarterstaff +5 melee (1d6), or

Light crossbow +4 ranged (1d8, 19-20)

Full Attack Masterwork quarterstaff +5 melee (1d6),

Light crossbow +4 ranged (1d8, 19-20)

Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks Psionic Powers
Special Qualities none known
Alignment NG
Saves Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills Hide +1, Listen +2, Move Silently +1, Search +3, Spot +2, Autohypnosis +7, Bluff +2. Concentration +7, Craft(gemcutter) +7, Diplomacy +2, Disable device +5, Intimidate +9, Knowledge(psionics) +10, Psicraft +10, Use Psionic Device +2
Feats {{{Feats}}}
XP 9439


Current Status
Condition(s) Normal
Lethal Damage 0
Non-lethal Damage 0
Ability Damage None
Ability Drain None
Daily Uses
Stunning fist: 4/4
Turn undead: 2/2

Spells prepared (3/2+1; CL 1st): 0 – guidance, read magic, detect magic; 1st – command, cure light wounds 1, sanctuary.

1 This spell is a domain spell. Domains: Healing (cast healing spells at +1 caster level), Protection (1/day – protective ward).

Stunning fist: 4/day, DC 15.

Turn undead: 2/day, -1 turning check, 2d6 turning damage.

Evasion: Against effects that allow a Reflex save for half damage, while wearing light or no armor, Bru Le takes no damage on a successful save.

Ki strike: Bru Le's unarmed strike is treated as a magic weapon for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Slow fall: When within arm's reach of a wall, Bru Le treats a fall as 20 ft. shorter than it actually is.

Still mind: +2 on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment.


Light Medium Heavy Lift Drag

Load Limits

50 100 150 300 750

Encumbrance: Medium (50½ lb.)
Max Dex Bonus: +3
Armor Check Penalty: -3
Arcane Spell Failure: {{{ASF}}}

Quarterstaff (4 lb.), light crossbow (4 lb.), bolts (11, 1 lb.), bracers of armor +1 (1 lb.), leather armor (not worn, 15 lb.), cloak of resistance +1 (1 lb.), oil (flask, 1 lb.), sunrod (1 lb.), torch (1 lb.), wooden holy symbol, holy water (flask, 1 lb.), antitoxin (vial), potion of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of mage armor, monk's outfit.

Backpack (2 lb.):

  • Healer's kit (1 lb.), candles (10), silk rope (50 ft., 5 lb.), grappling hook (4 lb.), pitons (10, 5 lb.), caltrops (bag, 2 lb.).

Belt pouch (½ lb.):

  • Signet ring (House Cannith), signet ring (House Deneith), flint & steel
  • Coin: 45pp, 21gp, 2sp (1 lb.)


Tarharath is a kalashtar psion from the nation of Adar, sent to Khorvaire (and now living in Sharn) just before his parents were assassinated by the cruel Inspired. Although he intends to return one day to take up his father's role in the resistance, Tar is first seeking to strengthen himself for that task. He now operates out of Sharn with a small band of adventurers, taking on missions that allow him to exercise his growing psionic abilities.
Sex Male Height 6'-2" Hair Color Black Age 19 
Ethnicity Weight 216 lb. Hair Style Apparent Age 19 
Skin Tone Build Athletic Eye Color Black Handedness  
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