
From Storing Don

Dark Magic Destruction Epic Wide Full AoE Morphorising Vampiric

Oblivion, to all appearances is a normal tome of Dark Magic, at least, from a distance. Moderately thick and bound in black leather, with a spine etched with silver markings. No title appears to adorn the front cover, but when seen under the light of a dwindling lunar eclipse, black fire blazes and a word formed of charred ash and starlight forms, which, when translated into modern language, means 'Oblivion'. The pages themselves are simple parchment, but the ink is something beyond the ken of man. At first glance, it is black, but then you are drawn in and it feels as though you are falling down a never-ending void of darkness so pure that no light can escape its grasp, yet pinpricks of fading light ma still be seen. At last, when you feel as though you've been tumbling down that black mire for an eternity, you shall find yourself shaking your head in confusion, to find that nary a second has passed and that you haven't gone past the first letter, rune or symbol. Indeed, the nature of the text inside the book is akin to that of a universe succumbing to a creeping twilight. It is as if there are holes in the page that are in the shape of words. So it is that only those in control of their mentalities can actually read the tome without been distracted by its power.

Those who are in the vicinity of the book may, after idling away the time, hear the whispered cries of other beings. The shrill call for help, the tormented voice saying 'No, no...' or the soothsayer announcing the end. It is said that on the night of a blood red moon, the sounds that emanate from this deceiving book can be heard from miles away and after a thousand of such very rare moons, the book shall swallow another portion of the universe, adding more power to its already considerable stores.

Oblivion allows the wielder a large amount of choice where its numerous abilities are concerned, from simply drawing masses of quintessence towards Repae, to launching black fire at his foes. However, its full effect is what makes Repae so feared when it comes to laying siege to opposing castles. After all, no defending CO wants to deal with a small group of his troops being turned into elite, enemy morphs inside the keep, do they?

When used to full effect, a floating ball of compressed, black fire -in appearance only, however, as it is actually intangible when used to prepare the spell- forms in midair, right in front of the targeted area. Hovering three feet above the ground, the ball circles around the danger zone, leaving a trail of dark flame searing the air behind it. Once it completes a single circuit, it disappears. Soon after, runes are burned into the skin of those unfortunate souls within the affected area. Quintessence is sucked out of many, leaving them barely alive, before almost forcing itself into a minority. As the ethereal energy is drawn into their quivering frames, lightning cracks and ominous thunder is heard before the eyes of the possessed are permanently changed to dark purple intermingled with crimson. This is what distinguishes the Enforcers born from Oblivion, from those created by less flashy methods. The colour of their eyes is akin to that of the vortex that opened within their bodies, forcibly entrenching a phantom or lesser demon into their mortal flesh. As soon as the change is complete, the changed ones will blur into action, moving to massacre all around them.

The details behind Oblivion are relatively simple. Once the ball has circled the circumference of the targeted area, the rest of the effects take place relatively quickly, the tracing performed by the ball taking the longest amount of time to complete. Oblivion generally works best against more tightly packed troop arrangements, as it takes five humans to produce a high-quality Enforcer morph, one remaining as the frame, the other four drained of a close-to-lethal amount of quintessence. Say that the spell engulfs 50 troops. 10 Enforcers will be formed close to the centre, while those that the spell fed off will be left barely standing, easy pickings for the newly created morphs. Although it actually only takes three humans, not including the shell, to form an Enforcer, said creation would only be of average power level, making it slightly unsuited for being immediately thrown in battle. Though it may still survive the rigours, it won't have the resilience of a high-quality Enforcer. Insofar, numbers like 55 and 54 would work, but 53 would not, as not only does the spell prefer quality over quantity, three humans -including the frame- are insufficient to create an Enforcer of any type. Hence, the quintessence is directed towards Repae, either healing his wounds or adding to his store of quintessence.

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