Repae R. Mirgeht
From Storing Don
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Vital Statistics
Name: Repae R. Mirgeht
Gender: Male
Nation: Illyria
Rank: Highlord
Age: 25
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Repae shows few emotions, if any at all. He possesses a dry, sarcastic sense of humour which is exercised often. He is particularly fond of startling people, whether or not they're able to order him around. In fact, one of the only people he appears to have any respect for is Lady Adramelech herself, his tone almost bordering on belligerence when talking to the other officers, only slightly tempered by their rank.
Oddly enough, when working with either morphs or humans, he display the slightest bit of camaraderie, compared to his reactions towards other ranking members. He claims that until his respect is earned, he shall continue to treat the other officers as he does. Why he treats the common soldier differently is something of a mystery.
Despite Repae's subtle lack of respect, it does not interfere with his duties as an officer of Illyria. The only person who appears to know his secrets is his younger sister, Revae. His interaction with her is the only thing that seems to be normal about him.
Repae, while tall, is very gaunt and it is only because of his extensive robes that he does not look like a stick. Even when he is wearing his robes, he still appears to be of average weight. He has blank green eyes, set in a face that is so pale, it is almost morph-like. His hair is purple and it sticks out in great spikes, which droop as they increase in length. There is a pair of glasses perched upon his nose, with lenses so thin, that it seems as though the only way to see anything through them is by squinting perpetually.
Repae's normal attire is that of a set of black robes, silver runes etched in the fabric at different intervals and embroidered with gold stitching. Hidden within each of his vast sleeves is a knife and most probably not the only ones either. He wears leather boots with cloth soles. While completely unsuited for the battlefield, there is something to be said for the lack of noise...
At a young age, Repae's parents pushed him hard. They planned for him to succeed in life and eventually live in a life of extreme luxury when he started earning money. As such, when his desire to become a mage was expressed, great effort was spent to aid him. He was found to be a prodigy, which further pleased his parents.
At the age of 10 he became a shaman and five years later he became a summoner. A year later, he attempted a more unusual summon then most of his others. Repae intended to summon a familiar and then bind it to his soul, for the sole purpose of learning more about his arcane arts. The experiment went awry, however, and he ended up summoning a lesser demon.
His name was He'Zal and by lesser, I mean lesser. He was a demon of little power, incapable of slaughtering any but the weakest - and dumbest - of creatures. In fact, the only reason he had survived for so long, was because of his great intellect and cunning. Weak though he was, but a demon he was still. So, when the urge to kill came upon him, the growing desire of hunger for his prey's terror and blood, he planned. He would mark his target and stalk them for as long as his bloodlust would permit, memorizing their habits and slowly plotting the best way to strike. And so, when the summoning came - incorrect and feeble though it may have been - he could not resist, for without his precious planning, what could he do?
He'Zal became bound to Repae's soul, instead of the planned familiar. Enraged at his imprisonment inside of a feeble human, the demon began haunting Repae's dreams, weaving his magic inside of Repae's mind, slowly erasing the border between sane and insanity.
He whispered into Repae's ears, speaking of mad plots and conspiracies, all aimed at the young teen, all ending with his torture and his inevitable death. He spoke all the while of how Repae's family waw using him, that they only wanted him for the power and wealth that he would bring with his magic. And the demon's inane whisperings took their toll on Repae, as would evidenced in only a short time.
After four days and four nights, Repae snapped and he slaughtered his parents, He'Zal listening gleefully to their screams of terror. But alas, the demon's joy was short-lived, for after turning to face his sister's tear-filled eyes, Repae bore down upon the tendrils of magic lingering in his brain and fell unconscious.
In his mindscape, he confronted He'Zal and after much arguing, they made a contract. If the demon swore not to influence him again and to aid him however possible - which wasn't very much -, he would comply with the demon's terms.
Despite the fact that He'Zal was now bound to Repae's soul, he still retained parts of his demonic heritage, the most prominent of these been his bloodlust. He'Zal demanded that Repae learned how to kill directly, instead of from far away with his magic. For it is the spilling of blood by hand, the inhaling of a victim's terror that sated the bloodlust, the taking of a life only satisfying the bloodlust in part. Repae was directed by the demon to take hold of a pair of knives. So it was that Repae R. Mirgeht's training under the demon He'Zal began.
The demon relayed visions of his previous killings to Repae's mind and from there Repae would follow through in a similar way to the demon, stalking his prey until the time was right, before he ended their lives. For 2 years this cycle continued, until the demon had a flash of inspiration. He proclaimed that if Repae learnt strategy and tactics, then he would be able to kill more efficiently and that if he excelled to such a level that he would join the Illyrian Command, then he would be able to order the killing of so many that the bloodlust would be sated to a point that the bloody killing of prey every month would become unnecessary, so long as the wars continued... so, at the age of 17, Repae sought out a tactician. For the next 3 years, Repae studied under numerous teachers - plus the demon -, mainly strategists and tacticians. He became competent in both strategy and tactics, making him a valuable asset to Illyria.
It was only after his 5 years of training that he realized that he had neglected his magical studies terribly. As such, he has spent the last year honing his skills in the arcane. Despite this, his skill is still slightly lacking in combative dark magics. However, to put strategies and tactics into practise he still engaged his skill at summoning, which ensured that he was up to par.
At the departure of Adramelech, her final act as Highlady was to institute Repae as Highlord. After studying Adramelech's private library, Repae set out to begin melding his prodigious summoning talent with morphomancery. After several experiments, he set out to create the first and greatest of his Enforcers. After laying out the runes and constructs, Repae created the first Enforcer, named Saleth. Saleth had been taken from another reality and implanted into a much more powerful morph body. He was tasked with shadowing the Highlord, and acting as his voice in times of diplomacy.
Combat Statistics
Overlord (#1)
Weapon Levels: Dark - S; Staves - A; Swords - B
Dark Magic affliction
Short-ranged -2
Cone AoE +3
High Power +4
Brave +4
Weakening +1
Wasting +1
A tome passed onto Repae by He'Zal. The spell takes form as malevolent black lightning which is launched from Repae's hands. The spell acts like lightning, but is attracted to living things, rather than metal. It can also jump from target to target several times, within a 2 metre radius. Repae has developed a seal which he has painted upon many of his throwing knives, allowing them to jump from knife to knife. Celermora zaps the foe with dark energies and leaves them frozen for several moments. Due to to its shocking nature, the muscles are also weakened.
Dark Magic Destruction
Heavy -1
Artillery +3
Epic Power +6
Celerglans is a cousin of Celermora, hence the similar names. A long ranged and powerful tome, Celerglans concentrates energy down the arm and into the hand, before releasing it as a very thin beam. This beam, dark purple in colour, may traverse hundreds of metres within less than a second. An assassination technique, Celerglans primary function is to be used as a sniping tool. Repae is has developed a a device that allows him to see far off into the distance with incredible clarity. With this in hand, he can shoot down the opposition with ease.
Virulent Aura:
Dark Magic Affliction
Close-ranged -2
Standard +0
Burst AoE +1
Penetrating +2
Pestilent +1
Weakening +1
Wasting +1
Vampiric +2
Illusion +2
The Virulent Aura is a dangerous spell. Repae releases an invisible aura from his body that affects anyone within several feet of him, although he can shorten the length as he wishes. The aura slides through defences with ease. The spell weakens the foe, making their muscles loosen, ensuring the release of any potentially harmful weapons. They are then subjected to an advanced illusion that affects their perception of the surroundings. To them, everything begins to melt together and the world feels as though its spinning, inducing dizziness. The aura then leeches the victim's life force, draining it into Repae to heal any wounds he may have suffered prior to the tome's activation. Finally, the foe shall suffer the adverse effects of the pestilent aspect of the aura, bring them to their knees retching, allowing Repae to finish them of with ease.
Dark Magic Destruction
Wide Burst AoE +2
Epic power +6
Consumuit is a huge book, as big as an average sized dog. Repae requires a soldier or one of his phantoms to use the tome, as it is too heavy to carry by himself. Consumuit is much like an incredibly powerful flux spell. A sphere of dark magic is summoned overhead and the magic pours down into the ground around the caster. However, the spell keeps on pouring magic into the ground, instead of just stopping shortly. The magic travels underground and rises out of the earth near the foe. The magic takes the form of large dark purple tentacles, that stand tall. They become solid and proceed to crush and destroy those in the surrounding area.
Stave Support
Short-ranged -1
Epic Power +6
Dispel +2
Full AoE +3
Extremely Heavy -2
The name of this stave loosely translates to 'I stop God'. With the help of special catalyst seals -think enzymes, but not quite- loading magic into the stave, the effects become instantaneous. A giant purple hand forms in front of the caster and may be controlled to reflect spell back at the enemy. If many spells are used against the caster, the hand splits into many and works from there.
Stave Support
Strong +2
Artillery +3
Unlock +3
Worn as an open-fingered glove on his right hand, Seradecerpo has been created solely for the use of infiltration and sabotage. Repae can use this at both long and short range, either opening locks in his vicinity or acting as infiltration support from far off, opening locks that act to deter possible spies or saboteurs.
Stave Healing
Strong +2
Short-range -1
Sleep +1
Full Heal +4
Remedy +1
An open-fingered glove worn upon the left hand, Sanotactus is Repae's main tool of healing. The spell acts as a general pick-me-up, fixing wounds, poisoning and all manner of other ailments. It can also be used to inflict a powerful healing sleep, which leaves the recipient completely refreshed. Repae often uses Sanotactus on himself to ease the pains in his body after a long day of hard work. It should be noted that Repae can choose to use the combined effects or separate them individually, giving him an adaptable tool for use at home, on the battlefield or for larcenous activities.
Staff Support
High Power +4
Close-ranged -2
Enhancing +3
Repair +3
Completing Repae's set of enchanted clothing is a pair of boots. When activated by Repae's magic, these boots react by enhancing his speed, enabling him to run much, much faster. He certainly won't break the sound barrier, but it easily puts him on par with some of the fastest combatants -both magical and non- on the continent. Kinetic energy may also build up, allowing Repae to make extraordinary leaps after concentrating said energy. The repairing aspect keeps the boots in good condition, ensuring that they don't break while Repae makes his dashes. While using the boots, the power of Repaeās spells is generally reduced, either in range or effectiveness. Perhaps Repae's most frivolous use of magic stems from these boots, as he will often employ the enchantments on the boots to get to the bathroom post haste when desperate.
Blade of Shadows:
Sword Hand Sword
Mithril +2
Enchanted +1
Keen +1
Perfect Balance +1
Armourslayer +1
A strong sword on its own, the true power of the Blade of Shadows only truly comes to bear when used by a master of Dark magic. Runes beaten into the sword during its forging are the source of its strange affinity for channelling magic. The user's magic is concentrated in the blade, leading the runes branded on its surface to slowly light up with darkly-coloured ambience -purple, to be precise- as energy fills its core. In a sudden moment, at the pinnacle of its tightly controlled charging, the blade will flare into a dark purple glow that almost resembles fire. At that point, the sword is capable of shearing through mere iron and piercing most metals, even standing its own against the power of adamant. If the user tires of moving magic through the blade, the surplus energy can be released in the form of a short-ranged and very localised whirl of dark power.
Numerous knives
Demon Skills
These are skills that have been taught to Repae by He'Zal. Due to the nature of demonic techniques, he has only mastered one and is learning another. It is doubtful that he shall learn more, because of how frail the human body is in comparison to a demon's.
Demonic Sealing technique This allows Repae to store numerous objects in another dimension. Any object that he does store, however, has to be pushed through a hole in his body. The hole is generally made by a knife. While it is harder to store anything larger than his chest, Repae may store long things with ease, so long as they are thin. This process is painful and unwise to use on the battlefield. Retrieving things is a different matter, and it is relatively easy for him to summon his stored things.
Mana Burn Mana Burn relies on the user's control, as anything less than 97% of the maximum will lead to backlash. By drawing his magic out of his body and arround one of his body parts i.e. his hand, Repae may turn it into an almost jelly-like substance and set it ablaze. The magic burns in an eerie, purple flame and has to be constantly drawn out to keep it burning. Depending on the density of the concentrated magic, the Mana Burn may exhaust its user in seconds or hours. If it is only lightly concentrated, Repae may keep it burning for almost 1 hour. If it is densely concentrated, so that it looks like a dark mass of purple energy, then Repae may only maintain it for a few minutes. At a light density, the flame is next to useless, but at high density, the flame may burn through mithril within 17 minutes. But at that stage, the flame turns on Repae, melting his flesh and sending him into a terrible agony as nerves and muscle are boiled away. It will continue until it reaches the bone, at which point it will die off.