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Jester WikiPro-Jesfinal.png
Aliases Jes, BroomJes, Jester's Lackey
Real Name Juan Nolastname
Color Dark Blue
Totem Gryphon
Alignment Author
Birthdate March 12, 1986
Gender Male
Race/Ethnicity Caucasian
Height Really Friggin TALL
Weight Almost nothing
Chess Piece Rook
Weapon(s) Frozen Salmon, Two-by-Four, Brickzooka, Tranquilizer Gun, Hypocrisy Gun
Abilities Interpretive Dance, Tranformation into a Broom, Dreadful Fear of All Spiders, Summoning Pyramid Head (for fun and profit)
Family None
Associates Nam, Rem, Soup, Snause
Story Reality, The BlockHouse
Status Writing. Yup, writing.


Jesterius Lakiusus or "Jester's Lackey" as it is known, and commonly shortened to "Jester" is a self-proclaimed writer and grammar-maniac. The Jester's Lackey can often be seen hunched over a legal pad with pen in hand, or reclining with a laptop perched upon his knees. When not writing, he may be seen doing incredibly bizarre things, such as college. Jester's eating habits vary, but it almost invariably involves foraging from a box. Cleanliness is important to Jester, and even when in the middle of cleaning his dwelling, he can be seen pausing in his work to wash his hands, knowing full well that they will just get dirty again.

Occasionally donning the physical manifestion of a gryphon (half lion and half eagle creature) when venturing into cyberspace, Jester is the writer and often partner-in-crime of both Nam and Rem, depending on who has ideas that are most ideally suited to his own best interests. He most often tries to be removed from the violence of the BlockHouse, as he has the good sense others lack to not get involved when people begin throwing things, though he has started more than a few fights of his own. He responds well to threats of bodily harm. Jester has an unnatural interest in legal documents and bureaucratic workings, which only serves to confuse him more than he is normally. He is also an accomplished interpretive dancer, though he performs only when bored or threatened.

Jester's interests include theology (despite being an atheist), beauracracy (mostly when he isn't subjected to it personally), and in-depth character personality analysis. Also comedy, angst, romance and emotional trauma. (Personal Note: "Especially when they're all together!! =D")

Jester is of a fairly sadistic mind set, finding almost unnatural amounts of pleasure at the emotional pain of others. At least, he does when he's the cause of the pain. He does not differentiate between friend or foe in who he torments, except that he may be more prone to attacking those closest to him. Whether this is his attempt at forging friendship, or if his kindness toward those that do not know him is only a rouse to draw potential prey closer to him, no one can be certain.

When forced into a situation where self-defense is called for, Jester will wield one of a number of blunt objects. Ranging anywhere from a sledge hammer to a frozen salmon to a two-by-four. Do not be deceived, though, because Jester lacks upper-body strength of any kind, and has never done much more than temporarily stunning a predator. When brute-force fails, Jester resorts to sarcasm (though Jester is sarcastic most of the time anyway).

Jester is a fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, Disgaea series, .hack series, Final Fantasy series, Silent Hill series, the Dresden Files book series, various science fiction television shows, British humor, Mystery Science Theater 3000, SWAT Kats, and many other things he can't think of at the moment.


As A Character

Under Construction.

Other Personalities

The JesterBrain is an entity all it's own, but still very much a part of Jester. While Jester will strain to stay civilized, the JesterBrain has no concept of civility, nor the line between 'right' and 'wrong', or when not to yell inappropriate comments or ideas. This often results in arguments between Jester and the JesterBrain. And while Jester ultimately has the last say in any arguments, this does not mean that the JesterBrain does not have ways of exacting revenge for being ignored or mistreated. So the two often reach a shaky middleground that is mostly beneficial for both parties.

The Creation of Jester

Jester's full name, Jester's Lackey, came into creation when a high school friend wrote a play, in which the being who would soon become Jester was cast as a character named Norn. Norn was a mysterious entity who, although only truly allied with himself and his sister, took the guise of a man who accompanied the court jester. In summation, Norn was the jester's lackey.

Another of Jester's friends was an avid fanfiction writer, and so Jester sought to do the same, hoping to hone his talent. Soon, Jester took this description as his name when he ventured forth into the wilds of the interwebs. There, as all things do, Jester's Lackey became known simply as Jester.

Role In SPFI

Jester is a writer first and an artist, well, never. He is the author of three projects still under development, and coauthor with Nam and Rem in a number of projects, most notably Last Stop To Nowhere. He is the creator of several characters, including: Roth from Land in a Lullaby, and Liam, Artemis, Keil, and a handful of Hunted characters from Haunted.

Previous Roles and Works

List: Jester's Current Projects

Jester doesn't much like to talk about his previous works, and as such would be just as happy that you didn't check his or accounts for fanfiction he's written.


Jester can be contacted at 'jesterslackey (at) gmail (dot) com' in regards to information about his stories and/or work. Remove the spaces, convert the (at) to @ and the (dot) to . Please do not spam this address, or risk all future email from your account being directed straight to the garbage.

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