
From Soloralwiki

Realtime is a special sort of time that, while related to the dimension of time, is different from it. Realtime exists in the Control of Detsiny series to provide a means of allowing timelines to change, while at the same time, having the time traveller able to remember the experiences of time before the change and after the change.

In this sense, Realtime is a "superior" form of time, a measurement that is not measured within a timeline, but outside of it. To beings inside a timeline, realtime does not exist; whatever changes that have occured in the timeline because of time travel had always happened. A being inside the timeline would not be aware that the timeline is different from what the timeline was before the change. Realtime acts as a ultimate agent of casuality.

However, the concept of realtime is significant int he Control of Destiny series. Basically, the plot speed is measured in realtime - the adventures in the Control of Destiny series are sequencial when counted in Realtime. When counted in Realtime, for example, in Control of Destiny 1: Matt goes into the past to the Dark Ages before Bill and Jason save him. The team also visits the future as they are pulled in by Amy before returning to the present.

The Existance Core does not follow a timeline. It only follows realtime. The concept of a timeline inside the Existance Core has no meaning; the past cannot be altered inside the Existance Core, nor is there more than one Existance Core due to dimensional splitting.

Control of Destiny 3 occurs much later than the rest of the Control of Destiny Series in terms of realtime, as it is the ultimate conclusion of all of the Time Distortionists' temporal influences.

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