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Sprinty is Slink's partner in Beyond Lunch, a large white bat-like creature. During Beyond Lunch, Sprinty is only heard saying "Bwee!", but in other incarnations he's since learned how to talk.

Sprinty can use Holy Magic, like Slink, and has a much higher level of skill and power than his partner does. However, Sprinty's ability to cast attack magic is comparatively weak. He also lacks a lot of melee capabilities, since all he can really do is scratch someone's eyes out.

It's generally hinted that Sprinty is jealous of Arlo, thinking Slink secretly wishes Arlo didn't imprint on Chris. He tries his best to hide it, though, being fairly nice to the little guy.

Sprinty tends to try and take control of a situation, often acting smarter than he really is. He'll be the first one to give orders in a battle, but they might not always be the right orders.

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