Jason Schulyer
From Sinanju
The following is the template that all characters should be based upon.
Actor Name as Jason Schulyer | |
Jason Schulyer | |
Played by | Lorienwillow |
Statistics | |
Goes By | none |
Status | Alive |
Race | Human |
Gender | Male |
Age | {{{Age}}} |
Primary Occupation | {{{Occupation}}} |
Special Abilities | Jason is a werewolf. |
Jason Schulyer (Series: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter)
Contents[hide] |
Pre-Deluge history and biography
Jason Schulyer is young, blond, and a werewolf.
Not all the time, of course. Most of the time he has two jobs. The first is as a stripper at Guilty Pleasures, a male strip club that employs mostly vampires and werecreatures. He’s good at this job and especially enjoys the attention from the hormone-crazed women. His lithe body, natural grace and unbridled enthusiasm make him one of the top performers at the club. His second job is a little bit more bizarre. When he’s not working at the club, Jason serves the Master Vampire of St. Louis as pomme de sang, which translates as “apple of blood.” This means he is the evening snack to the most powerful vampire in St. Louis. In addition to being a regular blood donor, a pomme de sang also serves as personal servant, messenger and occasional confidant to the Master and his court. In the past couple years, Jason has been witness and sometimes pawn in some of the strangest and most dangerous power struggles between the various vampire, wereanimal, and human communities. He has learned, for the most part, how to handle himself in tricky situations, when to stand up for himself and his friends and when it’s wiser to leave well enough alone.
Three years ago, as a result of a particularly violent one night stand, Jason was infected with werewolf lycanthropy. Because of this, he has enhanced smell, strength and speed as well as a natural immunity to disease. He can recover fairly quickly from most injuries, except those caused by silver or another preternatural creature. Although he stays in human form as much as possible, the wolf is always a part of him. His control is usually very good, unless the full moon is close or he’s forced into an extremely stressed situation. The smell of blood and severe hunger will weaken his control over the beast. Once he shifts, he looks like a mix of man and wolf, having human shape with mostly wolfish features. His strength and speed is even greater in this form, but his humanity is harder to access. Shifting will also heal many injuries, but if he is too injured, he will be too weak to shift. Once shifted he must feed, otherwise he may not have enough strength to turn back. When he does shift back to human, he usually ends up in a coma sleep for a few hours before being able to function again.
Jason is 23 years old and 5'5". He has blue eyes, short blond hair on his head and shaves everywhere else. (stripper, remember?) He is gregarious and a shameless flirt, always trying to attract any and every female in sight. Though it seems as if sex is all he has on his mind, Jason actually has a keen insight into human behavior and a determination to survive. Behind the jokes hides a sharply intelligent mind and a protective streak for those in need. Once he makes a friend, he can be fiercely loyal. But his smartass remarks and romantic liaisons have been known to get him into hot water on more than one occasion.
Post-Deluge events
It had been a profitable evening the night Jason set out for South St. Louis County. Since his master Jean Claude was on a date for the rest of the night, Jason elected to go to his friend Stephen’s house for a late movie. He was looking forward to an evening of making fun of the latest werewolf flick with some of his pack buddies. Life was good.
Then IT happened. He felt the power crackle through the air a split second before a creature with way too many legs bolted into the highway traffic. Trying to avoid both the creature and the surrounding vehicles, Jason swerved off the road and into what looked like a rip in the fabric of the earth. Before he could even register what happened, the energy wave overwhelmed him and he passed out.
He awoke some time later still in his car, which had ended up smashed against a tree. The car is totaled but thanks to the airbags, he only has minor cuts and bruises. But when he got out of the car, he discovered he wasn’t on the same stretch of highway he was traveling on. In fact, it didn’t even look like the same state. Snow was still on the ground in patches and it’s much colder than it should be for this time of year. He hitched a ride to the nearest town, only to discover he’s in Canada. Worse, he can’t seem to find any other weres and no one believes that vampires are real. Over the next few days Jason comes to discover that not only is he in the wrong country, he’s been flung into the wrong reality. He’s been cut off from his friends and his pack and has no idea if there’s any way to get back. So in an attempt to find something familiar, he starts traveling south to St. Louis. Maybe if he can find the same place where the original accident occurred he can find a way back home.
Over the next few weeks, Jason walks and hitchhikes his way across the US border into Wisconsin. For the first couple weeks it was fairly easy to buy or barter food and find a relatively safe place if he needed to shift and hunt. But then the disease known as Fate’s Handmaiden reached the Midwest and more and more people got sick. Jason found it harder to be around anyone who smelled sick. Even the animals started to become scarce and he’s having a hard time finding meat to feed his inner beast. By the beginning of June, he’s made it as far as the Illinois border, but he’s exhausted and hungry and it’s getting harder and harder to control the wolf. With the world falling apart around him and no other pack members to count on, Jason begins to wonder if he’ll ever make it home.