Casper Walker

From Sinanju

Actor Name as Casper Walker
Casper Walker
Played by Tes Orion
Goes By none
Status Alive
Race Human
Gender Male
Age {{{Age}}}
Primary Occupation {{{Occupation}}}
Special Abilities Whatever makes this character stand out frm the crowd.

Casper Walker (Original Character)


Pre-Deluge history and biography

His early childhood was wonderful in Chicago, like a dream, really. But then his mother started seeing 'visions' and having 'hallucinations'. She claimed that she could see transparent people talking to her and gesturing urgently, but she could never hear their voices. She claimed they were dead people. His father declared her insane and had her carted away to be institutionalized. That was when Casper was 7. By the time he turned 12 he started hearing voices, but could not see anyone talking. He had believed his mother was seeing ghosts, and now he believes that he can hear them but cannot see them, the opposite of his mother.

Then the wave hit and he found himself hunched over a bar he'd never been to before. When he went outside he was only one of about a hundred confused people wandering around and trying to figure out where they were. After a bit he found out he was suddenly in Elmo, Texas: a very small town east of Dallas with barely any economy to speak of. A kind woman took him into her apartment so he could have a place to live for now until he figured out how to get back to his own town, or even if he wanted to.

He took too long to think. The plague took over and hit the town hard. His roommate was one of the first to go, and he suddenly found himself locked into the apartment due to the others thinking him infected. It was only days before he looked out the window and saw absolutely no one. He had to break down his own door in order to go out and find himself some food. No one else was left in the town, so he found a car that still worked and headed towards Dallas. If anyone was alive, they'd go towards large cities, right?

Post-Deluge events

Character trivia and knowledge

(character)'s nature

Knowledge of other characters

Romantic Relationships (If Applicable)

Future plans and Goals

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