Main Page

From Sinanju

Revision as of 04:31, 31 January 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the wiki for my upcoming face-to-face Fudge game for my lovely and talented wife, as well as the LiveJournal New Dawn role-playing community. Here you will find character biographies, game history (as the game progresses), maps and other useful information. I created it to help me keep the characters straight in my own mind when I'm posting to the game. Feel free to create an account and make additions or corrections!

The Fudge Game


A New Dawn

Dramatis Personae: The players (listed by their LiveJournal identities), with all the characters they're currently playing listed beneath each name.

Sets: Locations in the game which have been visited or described, with descriptions.

Timeline: The Story So Far

On Writing: Recommendations for books on writing.

Character Template - When creating a character bio page, copy the text on this page into the page for the new character, updating the text to fit the new character.

Template:Infobox You should not use or alter this page. It is just what it says it is, a template. Altering it may make it unusable. Instead, past the Character Template above into the first line of a character bio page (altering the text to fit the character in question). This will cause the template to fill the appropriate information into the info box there.

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