Character Knowledge

From Sinanju

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Current revision as of 00:30, 29 February 2008

This is what each character knows about the other characters. This information might be also included on the character pages, but it's handier to put it here.


Daisy Adair

Quentin Collins

  • George Lass is a grim reaper. He has seen the results of her reaper healing after Amanda's attack.
  • Faith Lehane is a vampire slayer (not that she has attempted to hide this fact).
  • River Tam is suspected to be psychic. She was able to look right at him and know his secret.
  • Methos and Molly Green are suspected to be older than they appear. Quentin has absolutely no idea exactly how much older.
  • Daniel Jackson is suspected to have knowledge of alien influences on Earth's past, and his current involvement with the government is suspected to have something to do with that.
  • John Locke was unable to walk when he got on the plane.

Marmaduke "Megabyte" Damon (aka "Damon")

  • Scott Hayden is half-alien, half-human and telepathic. Scott's father is Algeiban, and Scott has been able to reach his father via a special device called a co-locator. (This was all revealed to Megabyte by Ami.)
  • Mara Sinclair is a psychic of indeterminate nature. (Revealed by Ripley.)

Michael Dawson

Scott Hayden

Ami Jackson

  • Scott is half-human/half-Algeiban. He is empathic, telekinetic and telepathic (with her and his father.) He can also heal injuries, primarily with the help of his sphere.
  • River is psychic, but only a reader. She is also from the future.
  • The Doctor is a time-traveling, telepathic alien. Rose Tyler is a time-traveler.
  • Daniel has knowledge of aliens and theories regarding their interaction with earth in the past (and possibly present.) Daniel was not surprised to learn the Doctor is a time-traveler or an alien, accepted Ripley's status, and didn't blink at Scott's revelation of being psychic, making Ami deduce that Daniel works with paranormal, supernatural and/or alien every day and that his theories are likely founded in fact.
  • Rodney is acquainted with and works with Daniel Jackson, though McKay is not military at all. Rodney was not shocked by The Doctor's admission of time-travel or his alien nature, leading her to believe that he works in the same environment as Daniel.
  • Mara Sinclair is a very sensitive psychic with shredded/useless shielding.
  • Locke has "spoken" telepathically with the Smoke Monster, which he says identifies itself as The Guardian.
  • Ash fought zombies. (But who doesn't know that?)
  • Daisy Adair is a Grim Reaper; Daisy outted herself when she gave "introduced" Ami to astral projection during their captivity.

Daniel Jackson

  • Aiden Burn was a passenger on Oceanic Flight 815. She was missing for two weeks and has no memory of where she was or what happened to her.
  • Ami Jackson is telepathic and can teleport.
  • Ash Williams fought zombies.
  • Chris Halliwell can "orb."
  • Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester were deposited on the island out of thin air by a demon. Whether or not it was a true demon, or something else, Daniel doesn't know, but he knows the brothers are seriously well-armed.
  • The Doctor is a telepathic, alien time-traveler. His companion, Rose Tyler is human.
  • Ellen Ripley is a time-traveler and from the future. She is definitely part alien. (Her acidic blood confirmed this.)
  • Faith Lehane is a Vampire Slayer, which given all the other weirdness on the island is probably some version of true. If nothing else she has sharp reflexes and a grace and coordination that rivals Ripley. She is also a walking source of sexuality and will inevitably be the cause of a great many hard ons. Fortunately, it's pretty clear that she can take care of herself.
  • George Lass is a Grim Reaper. This was confirmed for Daniel when he began to see Charles Verlin, Faith's former Watcher who died in the crash of the Watcher Council plane.
  • Gregory House has the worst bedside manner of any doctor that Daniel has ever met.
  • Isabel Evans is part-alien.
  • Jack Harkness is from the future; specifically the fifty-first century. Jack is omnisexual.
  • John Locke was in a wheelchair before the plane crashed on the island.
  • Jon Murphy is the clone of Jack O' Neill.
  • Kenzaki Kazuma is not human. He doesn't need to eat or sleep and gains energy from the island. He heals quickly and can not be killed.
  • Mara Sinclair is an extremely sensitive psychic with no shields.
  • Marmaduke Damon is telekinetic, telepathic, can teleport and can somehow interface with technology (including Ancient technology).
  • May Parker arrived with Dean and Sam Winchester. She has the same acrobatic skills that Faith and Ripley do.
  • Quentin Collins recovered quickly from busted ear drums.
  • River Tam is psychic.
  • Scott Hayden is psychic. He is apparently telekinetic or electrokinetic in some way as well as partly telepathic. His father, whom he somehow contacted psychically, is not his biological father.
  • Tara Maclay is a witch.

Sayid Jarrah

Sun Kwon

George Lass

  • Ami Jackson is beautiful and has a killer accent. She's also a telekinetic, telepathic, teleporter. If she weren't so nice, she'd be insufferable.
  • Ash Williams claims to have traveled in time to the "Stupid" (Middle) Ages and fought zombies on more than one occasion. He has a prosthetic right hand.
  • Carlos Oliviera has fought (technologically created) zombies. He reports that the destruction of Raccoon City by a damaged and malfunctioning nuclear power plant is a cover story--the city was nuked by Umbrella Corporation to prevent the "zombie" outbreak spreading. He's also gorgeous and sexy and George likes having sex with him. She likes it a lot.
  • Chloe Sullivan (and Veronica Mars are insatiably curious. The slightest hint of a mystery has them sniffing around PDQ.
  • Chris Perry is a "Guardian Angel" and can teleport (even if he calls it "orbing").
  • Daniel Jackson and Parker Blaise are associated with the SGC, some kind of secret military unit. She saw their unit patches the first day on the island (they subsequently destroyed the patches). Daniel speaks (and reads) about a zillion languages. She has no idea what the SGC is or does. Daniel Jackson recently began to be able to see and hear ghosts; this is apparently new.
  • Dean Winchester and his brother Sam Winchester arrived on the island as the result of a demon attack, along with May Parker. Dean and Sam make a habit of fighting ghosties and ghoulies and things that go bump in the night. They've met a Grim Reaper before, apparently, but not one like George has ever met.
  • Faith Lehane is a "Vampire Slayer" and has encountered vampires, demons and other things that go bump in the night. She's incredibly hot and she knows it.
  • Hugh Emerson has fought vampires too. He's not a Slayer, just a wily old bastard who keeps his eyes open and knows a hell of a lot more than he lets on.
  • Jack Harkness is a time traveling friend of the Doctor and Rose. He's entirely too cute, and worse--he knows it! He's an equal opportunity letch. Apparently everybody in the 51st century is into boys and girls both.
  • Jon Murphy is more than just a teenage kid--and he knows what the "SGC" unit patches Daniel and Blaise were wearing stand for, but he has managed to avoid telling her.
  • Mara Sinclair is a psychic, but her shielding was destroyed when she was possessed by a demon. She can see ghosts, and "Sally" (aka the catatonic ghost) has adopted her (or vice versa) and is no longer following George around.
  • May Parker knows Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester from back home; she arrived on the island with them via "Demon Express." Something is up with her, though she doesn't know what, exactly. She's very strong and very agile, like Faith or Ripley, but not quite like either of them.
  • "Megabyte" Damon (who hates that name) is an empath.
  • Molly Green is an elf. Or at least a half-elf.
  • Dr. Rodney McKay knows and has worked with Daniel Jackson, though he is a Canadian and definitely not military.
  • River Tam is another damaged psychic, apparently. She has a tendency to provide a running commentary on the people and events around her, or to address a particular person with seeming nonsense. But it isn't nonsense. It just makes a kind of sense that's...not.
  • Tara Maclay is a witch. She can see ghosts. She's gay.
  • Tommy Whitehorse is a newly fledged shaman. He can see ghosts. What else he can do remains to be seen, as he doesn't really know either. He's gay too. Damn.
  • The Doctor and Rose Tyler are time travelers. Rose loves the Doctor and the Doctor loves Rose but they're both too stupid to say so. Morons.

Faith Lehane

Walt Lloyd

Rodney McKay

  • The Doctor is an alien from a time traveling race. Rose Tyler .... not so sure.

May "Mayday" Parker

  • Dean Winchester hunts demons on a regular basis, a fact she learned over a year ago when she met him and helped him stop a demon as Spider-Girl. He knows she's Spider-Girl (and has let her know he figured it out) and has her permission to tell Sam, provided it doesn't go past them.
  • Sam Winchester has premonitions - he mentioned having a premonition of the demon attack. The demon who sent them to the island has been out to get Sam since he was a baby. He also has some telekinetic abilities. Dean has told Sam about how he and May actually first met.
  • Ellen Ripley is not human, and she isn't a demon either. Her blood is actually corrosive. May is guessing alien.
  • Mara Sinclair is some sort of ultra-sensitive psychic with no "filters."
  • Kenzaki Kazuma is not a normal human. In fact, May suspects that he may actually be the "mysterious guard monster" who appeared the night of Day 19 outside the bunker - a suspicion that was confirmed when he changed back in the clearing during the Wraith attack on the night of Day 20.
  • Chris Perry has the ability to transport himself and other people instantaneously. He calls it "orbing." He can also do magic, but if he does it in front of people his... superiors will take his powers away.
  • George Lass can see ghosts - because she's a Grim Reaper.
  • Daisy Adair is also a Grim Reaper.
  • Tara Maclay is a witch. She's gay. She's way too hard on herself.
  • Faith Lehane hunts vampires on a daily basis. And she's always horny (like that isn't obvious). Somehow, she decided "Spidergirl" was a great nickname for May but hasn't made the real connection.
  • Scott Anderson (Scott Hayden, but she doesn't know that) is a psychic who can telepathically communicate one-way with Damon. He also bears a noticeable resemblance to her father (minus 15 years), and sounds exactly like him too. He can also sense the location of Ami Jackson, one of the kidnappees who he's romantically involved with (according to Tara). He's also got some other abilities, but he's really closemouthed about them. May can relate, so she's not going to press.
  • Marmaduke "Megabyte" Damon can communicate telepathically - with Scott and with Ami.
  • The Doctor isn't human. He calls himself a "Time Lord," and can detect temporal distortions.
  • Molly Green can effectively make herself invisible to the human eye, has incredible balance and is totally at home in a tree, and is a hell of a shot with a bow and arrow. She also has slightly pointed ears, which she's been trying to hide.
  • Jon Murphy doesn't act like a normal 17-year-old guy. He probably isn't, despite his protests, but who the heck is on this crazy island?
  • May has heard Isabel Evans' entire back story.
  • Aiden Burn is a cop.
  • Rodney McKay knows all about the life-sucking "space vampires" called Wraith that attacked the night of Day 20.
  • Ash Williams fought zombies and had his hand possessed by an evil spirit.

The Doctor

His current closest friend and Companion is Rose Tyler. He's just realized that his desturbing love and need for her might just be something close to fate, as she is the grandmother of his granddaughter, Susan. This is learned via Mara Sinclair and the TARDIS..

He has met Adam Pierson/Methos a century or so earlier in his fourth incarnation. (Note: The flashback post can be found here.) Before recognizing him, he noticed great age about him. He knows Methos is very old, but not about the Game, Quickening, etc. He also sensed the same age about Sue, and witness her amazing healing ability.

Knows about all current space exploration programs, including SG-1 and SG-Atlantis. Is also aware that Daniel Jackson, Rodney McKay and Sargent Parker Blaise are part of the Stargate project. The Doctor respects Rodney McKay, and is developing a friendship with the astrophysicist. Accepts Daniel Jackson as leader of the survivors, but will make his own decisions if he disagrees with him too greatly.

The Doctor sensed Ripley was out of her proper timeline, and her movement and nails gave away an alien heritage. Now knows her story. He has offered her a place on Team Tardis when they escape.

Knows Scott Hayden's father is alien, and that Scott is psychic and has Healing abilities. He also know Scott is psychically bonded to Ami Jackson

Knows Ami Jackson is psychic, but not the extent of her abilities. Likewise knows Marmaduke Damon is psychic, but not the extent.

Knows about Slayers (from Tara Maclay) and that Faith Lehane is one. He knows about Tara being a witch. (He's like a kid at Christmas around magic, and Tommy Whitehorse is a Medicine Man.

Knows Molly Green isn't entirely human. Recently learned that she is an elf.

Knows Ash Williams fought zombies, like everyone else on the beach.

Knows George Lass is a Grim Reaper, by her outing herself, and surviving the attack by Amanda.

Suspects Daisy Adair is a Grim Reaper as well.

Knows Walt Lloyd is has powerful psychic abilities.

The Doctor teaches Psychic defense and shielding to Scott Hayden, Ami Jackson, Tara Maclay and Tommy Whitehorse.

Knows River Tam is a Reader, and very much out of her proper timeline. Plans on returning her to her timeline as she is VERY IMPORTANT to future history.

The only ones he does not have much knowledge about are Hiro, Miho, Oona and Radek Zalenka.

Jack "Captain Jack" Sparrow

  • Knew Methos in the early 1700's as Captain Adam Morgan, but does not know he is immortal - yet.

Chloe Sullivan

  • Chris Perry can transport himself and others, something he calls 'orbing.' He gets this ability due to being a "Whitelighter" (whatever that is).
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