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Chaka (also known as Olivia) is a 19-year-old female member of the RINGS Communities, who first joined on January 19, 2008.



Before joining RINGS, Chaka was stated to have a history of clinical depression and self-mutilation. When she was 16, she almost accidently killed herself while cutting. However, she was fully recovered by the time she joined RINGS.

First Posts

Chaka first came to RINGS Communities after first being cursed by a friend of hers. During her seven days, she complained of [[Samara ]] writing strange messages on her walls and appearing as her "opposite" in mirrors. At the fifth day, she apparently attempted suicide to rid herself from the curse, only to be revived at a hospital in time for her to pass on the Cursed Tape by the seventh day. Since then, she provided help to newly-cursed RINGS members until her sudden disappearance during February 2008.


Chaka suddenly re-appeared on August 7, 2008 with no explanation of her disappearance. Soon after, she became interested in joining Sachiel Varum Moss' Tape Cultist following, stating that she "... want[ed] to ask [Samara] what she was trying to tell me while I was cursed. Why she would tell me that I was 'sick' and 'undeserving.' Why she was my reflection, but behaved as a polar opposite..." She was responded to by Emenefus, who said that he could evoke Samara's spirit, but warned that it would be dangerous to do so. Chaka accepted the possible consequences of evocation, and Emenefus evoked Samara's spirit on August 13, 2008.


After a successful evocation, Emenefus posted a topic stating that Chaka "...suffered intense trauma to the mind..." after the day's earlier events. Since then, she displays strange and erratic behavior on the forums, often posting cryptic messages of "punishment" and "water" along with the phrase "justice is might." It is unknown whether Chaka is now possessed by Samara's spirit, is simply delusional or has gained her own wraith-like abilities, although she has stated that she " more than human" after being threatened by Merces Letifer. It is also unknown if, in her new mental state, she is dangerous. However, although she often accuses that "sinners will be punished", she has made no attempt thus far to hurt other RINGS members.

Recovery, Relapse, and Death

Chaka's mental state returned to normal for a short while, enabling her to join the search parties looking for Neo-X, xoxDarkxox, StrawberryFields, and other missing forum members after the vengeful ghost of WealthAndTaste returned. After this was over, apparently after hearing of Neo-X and xoxDarkxox being trapped in a "tapeworld," her sanity was again lost (although the reversion is largely unexplained), now worse than before. She seemed to have developed a sado-masochistic streak, often apparently taking pleasure in others' pain and posting her strange fantasies of disembodiment and cannibalism. Eventually she displayed an interest in an undead forum member: CompleteUnknown. Although the details of their "friendship" are largely unknown, they apparently made a deal that would reunite CompleteUnknown with his "love" (WealthAndTaste) and Chaka with her idol (Samara); one side of the deal required CompleteUnknown to kill her. However, CompleteUnknown failed to complete his side of the bargain, although Chaka completed hers (what her side of the deal was is still unknown). Although the details of the succeeding events are scarce, it is understood that CompleteUnknown's sister Amber (*~WaNnAbE~*) became entangled in the two's conflict, and that Chaka eventually committed suicide by slitting her throat, cursing Amber with a Sadako curse tape during the process. Although it is generally understood that she is dead, Chaka still posts at the RINGS Communities in binary code, often directly confronting the now-revived CompleteUnknown for breaking his promise to her.

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