
From Runewiki

                                       == Quests ==                    

Quest are like tasks,but harder!There are 173 quests.Players without memberships can only complete 20 quest with a total of 45quest points.The others are for paid players.

Free quest

  • The blood pact  :Three zamorak cultrist are doing a ritual that involves on sacrificing!Help Xenia and learn more
                    	  	                      about lumbridge catacomb.
  • Restless ghost  :A ghost is haunting lumbridge!Find out what he wants,fast!
  • Pirate's treasure  :Will you do everything for treasure?
  • Goblin diplomacy  :Get two tribes of goblins to choose a colour for their armory
  • Black knight fortress  :Black knights have a plan to destroy runescape?
  • Cook's assistant  :Duke huracio is doing his ultimate birthday without a cake?!Help the cooks to bake one
  • Demon slayer  :A group of dark wizards are summoning a black demon!Help gypsy to stop it!
  • Doric's quest  :A miner is asking us to mine for him!
  • Gunnars ground(Romeo and juliet)  :A dwarf is madly inlove with someone who also love him!Is this S&M?
  • Dragon slayer  :To wear a ultimate a ultimate armor,you have to kill one.
  • Ernest the chicken  :A very mad prof has "accidently" changed a married man into a chicken!
  • Vampire slayer  :Save a village,or save yourself......
  • Swept away  :Once a halloween event,now brought to you......
  • Myth of white lands  :Once a christmas event,now brought to you.....
  • Imp catcher  :Kill imps,duh....
  • The knight's sword  :A knight needs a sword,right?but what about a king?
  • Prince ali resque  :Help a captured prince....
  • Rune mysteries  :Players know about runes,but how do they make one?
  • Shield of arrav  :Reqruit with your friends to thief a shield from two gangs

If you wish to see these quest helper,search it in the search bar.....

N.M.E 1

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