Research Skills: Grade 10
From Rsgc Library
By the end of grade 10, students will:
Inquiry and Research: Reasoning
- prioritize questions for significance, relevance and practicality
- form questions into focus and reflect on continual appropriateness of focus
- select specialized atlases, such as historical and cultural atlases
- select appropriate census material
- analyse inaccuracy and ambiguity in information and their effect on argument
- evaluate the clarity of language to support ideas
- judge if conclusions follow the argument
- understand general principles of good research
- use journal to track product and process, including emotional and intellectual responses
Inquiry and Research: Organizing
- compare the organizational structures of similar reference materials
- interpret statistical information in varied media such as handbooks, yearbooks, almanacs and reports
- use advanced print or online indexes to periodicals
- create advanced databases and spreadsheets and output information in a variety of ways
- create summaries
- use advanced bibliographic conventions
- revise introduction and conclusion to provide context
- verify accuracy of facts and quotations from secondary sources
- follow a standard format for a a variety of products
Inquiry and Research: Communicating
- use informal debate strategies to explore ideas during the research process
- use informal meeting strategies to share ideas during research
- use flow charts in peer and teacher conferencing to check progress and test clarity of ideas
- use presentation software to present research
Inquiry and Research: Applying
- use published print and electronic bibliographies to start search
- begin to use special libraries, local and virtual, for information
- begin to search the Internet using a range of strategies available in a variety of metasearch engines
- discover relationships in information
- make personal meaning from the information analysed
- make judgments and draw conclusions to solve problems