Try to climb up the tree

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You walk around the tree to examine how to start your way up. You look up and skim for a branch that you can grab onto, but reaching the closest branch would require some work. Without hesitation, you attempt to climb up the trunk while at the same time wondering why you're in such a situation. Losing focus, you slip and fall with your back hitting the ground with a small 'thud.' You sit up and examine your arms; your arms are white, short and flimsy. You examine your legs... you don't have any legs. Your mind starts to spin, followed by a huge headache and your antennae starts pulsing. You grab the ball of your antennae to soothe it. You tightly close your eyes and scream at the top of your lungs to hopefully neglect the pain flowing through your big, egg-shaped head. Faint words start appearing in your mind: "arbitrary"..."narwhal"..."disco"..."Y"..."socks"..."house"..."bacon"..."caruso"..."keanu"...

You open your eyes. Waiting for your eyes to adjust, you notice that everything is dark. You must have passed out until night. The stars were vivid and the air was cool and breezy. The moonlight was the only reason you could see. Surprisingly, you still hear music coming from the west. Suddenly, dim cyan-colored light flashes from below the grate.

You stand up and wonder which way to go:

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