Light Within the Grate

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

The topReaching out you try to move the grate with your small, and strangely unfamiliar hands but nothBold texting happens. The grate doesn't budge. You catch a glimmer of something out of the corner of your eye and notice that there is something in the distance that seems to be reflecting the moons light, and whatever it may be, looks as if it's at the bottom or even possibly leaning against the trunk of the tree from which you just fell. Curious and hoping that whatever it is could somehow be useful, you make your way over to investigate. 

Reaching out to grab the object you begin to smile as you realize that what you've found is actually a very light and well balanced sword.beautiful you think to yourself as you gaze upon the shimmering steel for the first time. The sword was about three feet in length, tempered, and very sharp. The hilt seemed to be crafted entirely from one piece of solid silver which held four dark blue stones, two on each side one top, one bottom. Underneath the stones, leather stripping was wrapped around the center of the handle possibly used to prevent your grip from slipping. creative and masterful detail. Who or what had left this herey, are they close by, and would they soon return? are the questions that plague your mind as you use the sword to pry at the grate hoping for the iron to give way to your intrusion. The iron grate slides to the side just enough to grab and push aside with your feeble hands only to lose it and cringe as you watch it fall into the glowing pit with a loud succession of echoeing crashes. The lights inside the tunnel continue to dance as if nothing has been noticed on whatever other end there is. You bend to get a better glance down the pit only your foot slips on the muck that was holding the grate in place and you lose your balance and fall end over end about twenty feet to the bottom. Laying on the muddy floor you look up into the eye of darkness that was the starry night above only to notice that there is no ladder for which to return back up. You sit up and hold your antenna-like appendage as you look around you. You spot the dancing lights and watch in morbid curiosity as the eerie shadows flicker like flames licking the walls all around you. You notice that there is more than just the one path that lay before you, not one but two eerily lit tunnels that split off to thier own end. Standing up and swiping what dirt you can off your clothes you see that the sword had also fallen in with you. Wth sword in hand you cautiously wonder which path you should take in this oversized man eating gopher hole.

               Do you:

take the path leading right

Take the path leading left

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