Speak to the Two Musicians

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You approach the humanoids. You see that the humanoids have extremely pale skin and wear what appear to be simple loincloths made out of animal skin. A crude symbol has been tattooed to both humanoids’ chests. You cannot make out either symbol. Both humanoid bodies are completely hairless except for their necks and cheeks. Both humanoids appear to have human arms and legs. The humanoid who plays the wind instrument has some sort of prosthetic optical device in one of his eyes. You notice that the wind instrument is a type of primitive flute.

“Where am I?” you ask the drum player. The drum player grunts and motions to the other humanoid.

You approach the flute player. You start to ask the same question, but the flute player interrupts and says “You are not part of our clan.”

A red light, originating from the device, immediately scans your body. “You’ve heard our music. You’ve seen our faces. You must decide our fate.”

He hands you his flute.

Do not take the flute. Attempt to climb the rocky formations to the left of you for a better view.
It may seem rude to simply ignore him, but you need to gain your bearings.

Do not take the flute. Excuse yourself and head right, to the grove down the hill.
Where there is agriculture, there is a homestead; and surely the trees will provide some sustenance through their fruit.

Do not take the flute. Precariously make your way between the two musicians to head onward towards the village.
Despite the long distance, it may be worth it if you can find shelter, especially since the sun has to go down eventually.

Take the flute and attempt to play it.
Somehow, you already know how to play the flute. Maybe playing the flute will shed light on the situation.

Take the flute and attempt further conversation with the flute player.
Maybe you can get some more information out of him.

Take the flute and run towards the village.
These guys are creepy, but the flute is cool. Run for it!

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