Head to the Rocks

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Heading to the rocks, you shake off the perturbed feeling left upon you by the stares of the bizarre musicians. Their eyes follow you as you exit the clearing, somewhat untrustworthy in their gaze, but something inside of you assures that these humanoids will do you no harm. The earth below gains more and more gravel and chunks of rock as you approach the outcropping of stone. It seems as if this small mountain should not be flat in the middle of a field of tall grass, but much has happened that cannot be explained; you take it all in stride.

You can hear some squabbling behind you: it seems the musicians are attempting to get their song back on track, and they are disagreeing with each other as to how they should do so; no matter though--for some reason, the musical sounds which earlier bellowed and shrieked from their instruments seem to barely emit any noise as you approach the first tall rock.

One hand on this rock, and one foot upon that one; soon enough, you have climbed a fair distance upward, where the wind begins to whip at you in strong gusts. The air is fresh and crisp, a refreshing feeling after the strenuous climb. You decide to sit down and rest your tired limbs, but just as you slip into a more meditative state and attempt to gain your bearings, you hear a voice.

"Over here! Come, I must show you something important!"

The voice seems to be coming from a cave you had not noticed before. It sits to the left of you, with a crude sign of some sort resting near its entrance, which reads (in awful handwriting) STAY AWAY OR MEET DISMAY. Clearly an odd attempt at warning trespassers. As uninviting as the notion of entering this cave seems, the sun is not far from setting; your hike up the rocks took quite some time. Taking a quick scope of the horizon, you consider climbing back down the mountain as well. Perhaps this was not the best idea... As you check your surroundings one last time, you notice to your right a book, leather bound and aged, sitting upon a small boulder of granite. What is this doing out here? You begin to show interest in picking it up when the voice calls you once again:

"In here! It's not safe for us outside, when the dark arises! You must come inside or perish in the shadow!"

Your list of options is slim; you had better act fast:

Follow the voice into the cave to the left
Despite how dangerous it could be, the sun is setting and you need shelter.

Choose to investigate the book
It seems like the sun will be out for another hour; perhaps reading this book can be of use?

Decide to make your way back down the mountain.
Might have been a waste to climb up for so long but it doesn't seem safe to stay here.

Ask the source of the voice to come to you instead.
You don't trust the person inside, so they'd better show themselves!

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