Fight the hivemind

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

No, you will not surrender your identity to the masses! With an incredible effort you fight back and push away the thousand screaming voices. With maddening slowness you manage to reach up and pull the clamps free from your headular antenna. You collapse wearily to your knees, relieved that you did not fall prey to the collective. A blinding light erupts in your face, and a deafeningly loud voice booms into your ears.

"Subject failed, dispose!"

There is a loud fwip and you feel the sting of some sort of dart in your neck. You slump all the way to the ground and black out.

When you come to, you open yours eyes to yet another blinding light. You attempt to sit and find your arms jerked short as straps dig harshly into your wrists. Identical straps bind your legs, you are lying flat on your back on some sort of cold metal table. There is a shuffling behind your head and part of the light is blocked as an unidentifiable masked face looks down into your own.

"Relax," the menacing voice chuckles, "this will only hurt for a second."

The high-pitched buzz of a saw sends chills down your spine, What does he plan to do with that?? With a cruel hand, he forces your head flat against the table and you feel your headular appendage pulled painfully taught. How many hands does he have? you think as the buzz of the saw reaches feverish pitch.

Your world explodes, you see blinding flashes and and immense torturous pain shoots though your body. It takes only a second for the evil unknown man to sever your antenna from your head at its base. You writhe and scream in horrendous pain as the man chuckles again and toss your bloody appendage onto a surgical tray with a sicking thump. The straps and loosened and you are distantly aware that the slab you are now curled up on is moving. You are rolled onto another slab and pushed in a new direction, a terrible stench reaches your senses through the pain. A momentary lurch in your stomach pulls you back to the present, you are sliding backwards down a chute. A warm, sticky heat rushes past as you pick up speed and hurtle into empty air.

You fly into the wet, sticky darkness

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