Refuse pile

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

The stench of the humid air you are falling through nearly asphyxiates you. You just begin to wish that you could no longer breath the vile atmosphere when a wet impact drives the breath from your body. Disoriented, unable to breath, and covered in something sticky, you tumble among unidentifiable objects down the side of a slippery, bumpy slope. With several messy splashes, you and the objects come to a rest in knee deep liquid. You surface, sputtering and gasping, trying to figure out where you are and how badly you are hurt.

The top of your head still throbs painfully, and your body is bruised all over from the abuse it's taken lately. As you clear your head, you take stock of your surroundings. You are standing in knee deep liquid in a shallow pit in floor of this room, it is lit by the light of several large furnaces in the wall directly across the room from you. Behind you is large pile of bodies, some human, some like yours, and still others you cannot identify; that is what you landed on when you exited the chute, far above in the ceiling. You can just make it out between several large pipes running among bare beams.

"Oh a live one" A voice wheezes. You whirl to face the dimness.

"Who's there?" You demand, squinting into the gloom to determine if this unknown voice was a threat or not.

Work in progress, please do not contribute to this particular thread right now

Thanks, Zitkovich

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