Cackle madly

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

As your maniacal laughter resonates inside of your head, the platform you were standing on seems to melt away. Your surroundings are turning into a Dali inspired nightmare, everything slowly melting into a white abyss. The steel railings turn to puddles, slowly dissolving into the void. The lantern room crashes into the floor creating a deadened thump. Everything around you is slipping.

Your vision slowly fades. You can feel your head becoming light as your laughter gradually subsides. Finally darkness overwhelms your body. You fall unconscious on the now white floor.

You awake, unaware of how much time has passed. You observe your surroundings. You are in a small room, all white except for one black square on the wall to your left. You wonder if the strange building and girl were all in your imagination.

As you stumble to stand up, the black square on the wall flickers – it’s a computer monitor.

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