Try to fall asleep

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You lie there. You close your eyes as you drift to sleep when you see a glance of the women. All you really recgnized was her gfirey red eyes and her crackling sound. You try to open your eyeyes but it is as if they are glued shut. You slowly drift off .You wake up in a totally knew place a chandler hangs from the celling straiht above you and mostly everything is white the walls, the chairs, the door. You begin to sit up but your hands are stuck. You look down and find metal locks are hloding youe hands down, you are yanked back by a metal chain rope you look around to find that women again. But all over the room dozens of them. You begin to feel light headed as sh3 tigs the chain tighter.

Do you...Struggle and try to escape hoping your stronger Or... lay limp hoping she will loosen her grip and you will be able to get free

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