Ask her about your memories

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

"Your memories? YOUR memories?" she giggles. "Memories are subjective. You don't really need them. You should concentrate on the HERE and NOW!" "When I first came here I was also unable to remember. But after spending days with my eyes red from crying I soon realised it doesn't matter. Who I was before should not affect who I am now. I have a clean slate with which to start anew. No responsibilities for anyone else. No bad memories of missed opportunities or lost loves. Everything has been washed away. I've been given a new lease on life and I'm going to live it in whatever way I like."

"YOU should do some exploring and find yourself. Begin your life today and make new friends. Would you like to be MY friend?"

Be her friend - "Yes. I would like to be your friend."

Return to the staircase - "No way, Jose. You're one freaky-deaky nutso!"

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