Holding Cell 2

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Using the hanging control box, you lower the platform and jump on. Grasping the railing as you maneuver the platform around, you manage to position it directly above the flickering holding cell. Lowering slowly you keep an eye on the mass in the corner for any signs of movement. The screeching of metal on metal startles you! Your heart pumping in your throat, you realize that the glass floor is trying to retract for your platform. It grinds to a halt, its metal channel hopelessly warped by whatever violence occurred in this cell. After a few breaths you continue descending slowly... carefully. Your platform reaches the floor and you wait, heart pounding in your chest as the seconds tick by. Nothing happens, you wait... silence.

You let go the control box and the railing and realize that your stubby hands had been gripping so tightly that is is painful to straighten your fingers. Stepping down onto the floor, you can now make out the dark mass somewhat. It is a tangled pile of some sort of hardened stringy material, five or six slimy sacs can be seen among the fibers, each about the size of your head. The shiny object that had caught your eye appears to be a chunk of the metal channeling that fell from above. A strange scratching sound catches your ear. A few pieces of glass crash to the floor behind you and you whirl around and look up.

A long, thin, hairy leg rests on the wall where the glass had been knocked loose. It is attached to a horrifyingly large, furry black spider monster, and seven identical legs brace its hairy body up in the corner. The monster had frozen in place when the glass fell but now began crawling down the wall, deliberately placing each step while far too many eyes stared unblinkingly into yours. A clear viscous liquid glistens on its huge fangs and an evil hiss emits from behind them.

The platform is only a step away, but you are not sure if it moves quickly enough to escape or not. Behind you the shiny metal piece of channeling looks like a good weapon, if you can get close enough.

Do you:

Fight the monster

He's scary, but not that big, and one good stab to the face should do the trick.

Make a break for the platform and try to escape

Hell no, there is no way I am fighting that scary ass spider!

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