The Brazier Room

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 23:40, 10 February 2011 by JiFish (Talk | contribs)
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You look around the room you are in and the first thing you notice is the large brazier in the middle, crackling merrily with an odd purple flame. It sits in the center of a circular stone room, not unlike what you would imagine a dungeon must look like. In the wall behind the brazier is a dark doorway and stone steps the descend further into the darkness. To your right is an alcove with a large circular hole in the ground, covered with a rusty metal grate. Scrawled messily on the wall above the alcove in what looks like gray paint is the word Labyrinth. In a sconce on the wall next to the alcove rests a flaming torch (this one alight with a regular comfortable orange flame). Set into the wall to your left in stark contrast to the rest of the room is a shiny metal door with a large metal handle. There is a flickering fluorescent light next to the door and below that on a brass plaque in a much neater hand is the word Laboratory.

Which way do you choose:

The Labyrinth

Oooh, that's where the furry creatures and friendly nymph folk live right?

The dark staircase

If I'm going to continue down, it might as well be on stairs.

The Laboratory

Maybe someone there will have some answers.

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