Technetium Henge

From Reach

Deep in the Equatorial Desert, an unusual mineral formation has sent scientists into a frenzy of speculation.


In the years shortly after touchdown, there was a tremendous, planet-wide effort to study the new world. Scientists of all disciplines took samples, performed experiments, all hoping to build a base of knowledge on the new world. One sample, taken from a perfectly normal chunk of desert bedrock, sat untested for years. As the cold realities of Reach life set in, scientists turned to survivalists, more interested in finding food than secrets, and the labs were abandoned, and native organisms took over. Decades later, the lab was raided for supplies, and the sample was bartered in a package to Reggie Chang, a wealthy polar colonist. A scientific tinkerer, Chang began running tests, and discovered the presence of technetium. Technetium is an interesting atom that no natural process of fusion creates, and can only be manufactured in small quantities in a supercollider. Believing he had discovered proof of a technologically advanced civilization, Chang began searching for the origin of the sample, eventually finding a set of coordinates, deep within the equatorial desert. Strapping on his All Weather Gear, Chang entered the desert alone, and was never seen again. This expedition put Chang's widow and children into poverty, and, generations later, the Chang family manufactures just barely enough Nutrifood to survive. The family still owns "Grandpa Reggie's" notes, including the original sample and the coordinates he died trying to reach.


The Technetium Henge is in a very dangerous region of the Equatorial Desert. It is buried almost 100 meters below the surface, in an unmapped zone, far away from any Twilight Corridors. It is collection of 32 oblong metallic objects, each weighing several tonnes and containing 3% technetium. Even one of these objects would fetch a king's ransom to a scientifically inclined individual.


The Henge's immediate location is curiously absent of wildlife. No desert creatures ever come within a few kilometers unless forced, and usually flee by any available method. The same can not be said for the 1,000 kilometer voyage from the nearest Twilight Corridor. Few vehicles can make the trek. Much of this voyage is across a Glass Expanse, and this leg must be attempted at night. This crossing would require heavy reconaissance of the desert in advance, specifically targeting Garage Caverns on the route, as it will invariably take several days. Locating the objects is a challenge in itself, and uncovering them would require heavy digging equipment. Sandstorms could shut the operation down for days at a time, and the odds of recovering even another sample would be extremely low.

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