Chemical precipitation

From Reach

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Chemical precipitation is a general term for a little understood meteorological phenomenon unique to Reach. In the Tropical Belts and Temperate Belts, atmospheric conditions are ideal for the condensation of numerous organic compounds into dense atmospheric clouds.


The exact composition of chemical clouds remains a mystery. Samples taken from chemical raindrops have revealed a veritable cornucopia of compounds, including ammonia, nitric acid, and numerous exotic organic compounds.

Each cloud appears to have a unique mix of compounds, often in outright defiance of basic laws of accepted chemistry. PH values from droplets collected during one notable storm in the Temperate Belt indicate a period of strong, heavy acid rain, followed by an equal period of basic rain. The two chemicals reacted violently on the ground, damaging a nearby terraforming station. Scientifically, there is no way these two chemicals could coexist in the atmosphere, yet there is definitive evidence to indicate both fell from the same cloud system.


Chemical precipitation is highly dangerous, and unpredictable. The rain can be acidic, toxic, or react violently with chemicals on the surface. Most Native organisms on Reach have adapted to survive these hazards, but an unprotected human will almost certainly not last long.

Some chemical storms have unique electrical properties, leading to dangerous lightning strikes. These lightning strikes only further the mystery, often ignoring grounding rods to strike open fields.

While the immediate danger to humans caught in the rain is severe. Chemical storms can render land hostile to Terrestrial flora for extended periods of time. Many Temperate Belt farming operations were permanently destroyed due to chemical storms.


  • Try to avoid chemical storms when possible.
  • Only enter a chemical storm in a hard-topped vehicle.
  • Wear All Weather Gear for all activity during a chemical storm.
  • If you are caught unprepared, seek elevated shelter as soon as possible.
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