
From Parlancia

Jebus, also known as The Big Cheese, is a member on Parlancia. Jebus is well-known for his consistent fracas with Lionman363 (who had supposedly gotten him banned from GamingForums) and his cynical attitude towards others. He is most commonly found in The Junkyard, but periodically posts in another forums. Jebus is also the co-founder of PLF Podcast along with Dylz - an attempt to generate more activity at Parlancia. The first episode was universally praised amongst PLF members, however, the project seems to have been put on hold.

Jebus was baninated on April 1st, 2008 after an April Fool's Day prank, which specifically poked fun at Aether, John, and others who had left the forums for personal reasons. The banination was lifted a while later.

User Comments

You're a cunt. :) - John

Duh. --FireV 15:44, 29 July 2008 (PDT)

You're a bit insane. - Bleh

A bit? - God

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