Quick guide to Arts classmarks at Napier

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A Quick Guide to Arts Classmarks at Napier

Books and audio-visual materials in the Campus Libraries are arranged by the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme.

The Arts are classified in the 700s section of Dewey, and some broad subdivisions likely to be of interest to students of Design are listed below. For full information please consult the Library Catalogue.

Motion picture journalism 070.18

Television news 070.195

Journalism 070.4

Media (means of communication) 302.23

Print media 302.232

Communication aspects of motion pictures, radio, television 302.234

Cultural aspects of television, radio, motion pictures 306.485

Economic aspects of television 384.55

Economic aspects of motion pictures 384.8

Technical aspects of television 621.388

Advertising by broadcast media 659.14

Technological photography, including image processing 621.367

Art (general) 700

Planning 711

Architecture 720

Sculpture 730

Drawing 740

Industrial design 745

Interior design 747

Painting 750

Graphic arts & printmaking 760

Photography and photographs 770

Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials 771

Photographic processes 772-774

Kinds of photography 778

Motion-picture and television photography 778.5

Colour photography 778.6

Motion-picture and television photography 778.5

Photography under special conditions 778.7

Special effects and trick photography 778.8

Photography of specific subjects 778.9

Photographs 779

Motion pictures, radio, television 791.4

Motion pictures 791.43

Radio 791.44

Television 791.45

Writing for television 808.225

Screenplays 808.23

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