Choosing Keywords

From Nulisbus


The key phrase, Hospitality Operations highlighted in red, may yield a good set of results when used as keywords. If there are not enough results, then you may need to broaden your search. The example shows this by changing the keywords to Business Operations. This should yield more results however as the keywords are broader, the relevance of a lot of those results may be less.

Conversely, if the keywords were narrowed to a specific part of Hospitality Operations e.g. Conference or Hotel Operations, I would expect there to be fewer results, as the keywords are narrower, however I would expect that the results that I retrieved would be of a higher relevance.

Therefore we could say the following:

Broader search terms = more results, but less relevance.

Narrower search terms = less results, but higher relevance.

Next: Finding and Obtaining Journal Articles


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