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<tr><td align="center" colspan=2 style="background=orange;border-bottom:3px solid gray;"><font size="1">National motto: Etra'vai Victris</font></td></tr>
<tr><td align="center" colspan=2 style="background=orange;border-bottom:3px solid gray;"><font size="1">National motto: Etra'vai Victris</font></td></tr>
<tR><TD>Official Name<TD>The People's Nation of Alfegos
<tR><TD>Official Name<TD>The People's Nation of Alfegos

Revision as of 22:29, 30 November 2007

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National motto: Etra'vai Victris
Official NameThe People's Nation of Alfegos
Official LanguagesFegosian/English
CapitalNew Zevkhay
Largest CityMilkavich
Government TypeLiberal Democracy
PresidentAl'iro Darrel
 - Total
 - % water

Maritime Claims
- Territorial Waters
Exclusive Economic Zone

- Population density

623 000 000
- Totalarian Monarchy
- Democracy
- Communist State
- Democracy

- Total
- Per capita

CurrencyAlfegan Aureus (ALAU)
National anthemViv'Fego Etra'vai!
Internet TLD .alf
Calling Code +273



Early history

Due to the climate of Alfegos, the evidence towards prehistoric human habitiation is sketchy at best. The earliest remains found where in the north of Polinas province, dating from 8000BC. It is assumed that these settlers were hunter-gatherers, who came across the seas and lived in Alfegos undistrubed until c.1200BC.

This marked the beginning of the classical era, when a civilised classical race known as the "Ki'loma" took control of the north of Alfegos, establishing military bases and building large cities out of the marble plentiful there. The Ki'loma are believed to be Damirean in origin, yet this is still debated. What they did leave as a lasting legacy is their capital, the marble city downstream of Polinapolis, and massive system of managed farming that allowed land to be taken from the forests which at that time covered the entirity of Alfegos up to the coast, without destroying it. They did not advance psat the mountains to the south of Polinas, due to the dangerous conditions and the more violent tribes who lived there.

However, when the Ki'loma left in c.50AD, Alfegos was plunged into a dark age, which saw the fall of order, the loss of writing and the mass deforestation of Polinas province in an attempt to gain land that rapidly blew away into dust once the trees were removed. The population which had been at its peak estimated at 80 000 dropped dramatically to 20 000.

The Middle Age

However, in c.400AD, the re-establishment of order began: not as a republic as had been seen in the time of the Ki'loma, but as a totalarian monarchy which sought control of the entire island. Polinas province fell quickly as the first king, Nio I, rallied suporters for a glorious march on the savages who regularly pilfered their riches.

He however fell as soon as he entered Milkavich province: the attacks of the heathens who inhabited the lush woodlands meant that it was difficult to get easily through the forests. It was not until 1321AD that the province of Milkavich was taken. After that, the Zevkhay province fell quickly, being mostly savannah.

At the same time was a massive period of technological bloom: boats traversed the dangerous seas around the island and took new land in the name of Alfegos, mostly the small islands off its coast. Fertiliser was discovered, as well as the massive mineral wealth of the mountains and of Milkavich. The population of 2.5 million was at that time easily supplied with resources such as this.

The Age of Reason

In 1628AD, a young inventor by the name of Wina'loda discovered electricity, and the effects of magnatism while working in a foundry. This discovery was caused when he saw the effect of a lightning bolt hitting a large coil of wire, attracting everything made of iron around it. This kicked off the age of invention and quiet machinery, manufacturing goods for the entire nation in many small workshops.

At first, energy was taken from streams. But soon, with the finding of oil in Milkavich province, massive powerstations pumped out smoke as they provided power for the many factories. The monarch at this time decided to keep industry out of Polinas province, which is why there is small amounts of industry there now.

This age of technology bore many great scientists and inventors who managed to sucessfully understand the universe around them with many discoveries that put them up to 25 years ahead of many other nations.

By 1812, the people, educated now by the massive new understanding of the world, revolted against the king and used the example of the ancients to set up an equal society, one of the world's first democracies. Near this time, the army and navy were officially founded by the people, to seize land in the name of Alfegos. They were successful in taking Neo'Fegos, Seo'los and Nia'los. These provided the people with great wealth until the disconnection.

The Age of Strife

1901AD is what is usually referred to as the age of strife: mass uprising in colonies of Alfegos except Neo'Fegos, which was lost many years before by a massive perpetual cyclonic meterological phenomonam, meant that the troops withdrew back to Alfegos. 1950AD was the time when Alfegos could have used its technological potential, that involved microprocessors in military computers and even intelligent missiles, but instead was quashed by the greatest war of its time.

The First Civil War A massive communist uprising in Milkavich against the massive population with poor conditions compared tot he rest of Alfegos, partly due to the uncontrolled migration giving it such a high population, led to a massive crusade against the democrats. With their military operations and capital in Milkavich, Alfegos lost much valuable equipment to the communists. Soon, the communists were in trench warfare outside the temporary capital of New Zevkhay, held in stalemate by the massive guns of the island fortress of Sol'vi, that could hit the communists and take down their aircraft while they were still 40 miles away. Once overrun however, the communists diverted massive military strength towards the taking of Polinas, the final bastion of democracy. Here, they were stopped by a nuclear bomb that destroyed a massive part of their army, and destroyed communist morale completely. With allied help, the democrats retook Alfegos, despite being attacked with CB weapons, and in 1954 ended the war. In total, 280 000 people died.

The Rebuilding A wonder that quickly allowed Alfegos to get back on its feet was the economic wonder: the war-torn country pulling itself back onto its feet in only 6 months. However, massive loss of technology and of many great people meant that the country was back at the level of the rest of the world. Prospertiy in the form of trade with other nations in Nova meant that Alfegos was able to raise its total GDP from $5000 per capita to $25000 per capita, from whence it has continued to steadily rise.

The Second Civil War Dismayed at the lack of clearup from the first civil war in Milkavich, another communist uprising occured in 1972. This time, the government was prepared and struck quickly: before the communists could spread across Milkavich province, they were smashed into the ground. However, the war is msot noted for the communist terror attacks: napalm bombs in Il'Vi setting the city on fire; Hydrogen Cyanide was released in Milkavich upon the democratic forces; bombs were set off in Polinapolis. Though it was cleared up within 6 months, the conflict caused the loss of 21000 lives, mostly those in Il'Vi who were the sufferers of napalm attacks.

The Age of Peace

From 1974 onwards, Alfegos tried its upmost to help those nations who had fallen victim to calamities and to intervene in genocidal situations. This period saw the increse in friendships, with Alfegos forming many ties with foreign nations.

A detailed modern history (2006 onwards) can be found here

Government and Politics

The Alfegos Government

The Alfegosian Governmental seal

Alfegos uses a very liberal democratic process, all of which revolves around the senate. The senate consists of the ministers of each ministry, the People's court judges, the regional representitives, the elected president, the elected consul and the heads of the armed forces in times of crisis.

A decision which is made in senate is first discussed, then voted upon. The president overlooks the session with the consul, who act as the representation and chair of the government respectivly.

The people are however usually called upon during a decision that could affect them substantially, or during the presidential elections. At this time, a stratified sample of 100 000 Fegosian citizens are taken and are presented with the ssue, via a T.V link. This way, they can vote on the government proposal, and can only be overridden by the government if there is less than 70% support either way. Modern technology means the decision can be made within a day.

The people have a right to have a people's jury on the debate, if:

  1. It will affect their way of life.
  2. It will affect their standing on the world stage.


Law in Alfegos is decided as well by the government, and can possibly be put under scrutiny by the people's jury. A crime, depending on its severity, can be sent to one of 4 different courts:

  • A "Pe'dece" court, for minor claims and minor offences (e.g. speeding)
  • A "Me'dece" court for more serious crimes such as burglary
  • A "Gra'dece" court for the most serious crimes (e.g murder, rape)
  • A "Rai'dece" court for political crimes, judged by a random selection of judges.

Anyone who is convicted is allowed to appeal up to three times, and the final decision is that. However, if a large group of people (i.e. +10 000) wish for the conviction to be overturned, a review can be put into place, and an appeal put in. This is known as the "Popular Get-out Clause"

List of Ministers

  • President: Al'iro Darel (2 year term)
  • Consul: Ki'ara Joa'ni (1 year term)
  • Minister of War: Jo'han Lea'soi
  • Minister of Finance: Jules Hi'lora
  • Minister of Homeland Security: Hae'ri Juk'lan
  • Minister of Culture: Gon'nes Kilov
  • Minister of Health: Nuen'oa Ulric'soi
  • Minister of Agriculture: Damien No'kio
  • Minister of Industry: Yuric Klom'ola
  • Minister of Land: Ba'si Gra'ni
  • Minister of Sea: Un'de Aq'ia
  • Minister of Transport: Gre'soi Ma'giea
  • Foreign Minister: Kiran Johansson
  • Minister of Environment: Be'ner Ja'remn
  • Minister of Colonies: Hira Nuo'kamma
  • Minister of Internal Security: K'jola Nuy'qam
  • Minister of Records: Jo'ho Poli'soi
  • Minister of Welfare: Kira Uos'dai
  • Minister of Information: Krin'oha



Alfegos is divided into three large parts by two paralell mountain ranges, the Mountains of the Moon in the south and the Mountains of Solace in the north. The mountains were formed by ancient volcanic processes that are so abundant in the region, meaning that most are ancient extinct volcanoes.

The south province, Zevkhay, is predominantly open land and fields, with large patches of rainforest nearer the mountain ranges and above the massive lake from which the river Zevkhos flows.

The central province, Milkavich, is dominated by a massive rainforest, the Grand Fegos. This is cut into by a massive oval of flat wasteland, that is the Milkavich deadlands. Here, a massive industrial and mining sprawl have destroyed much of the forest and land in the area.

The north province, Polinas is mostly grassland, with a large patch of desertified land to the south-east formed by nuclear weapons usage. From the north west tip is a chain of islands, formed as part of an ancient batholith.


The capital of Alfegos is New Zevkhay. That in itself is interesting, as it is actually part of a twin city, divided only by a river: with New Zevkhay to the east, a primarily cultural and financial area; and Old Zevkhay to the west, a massive sprawl of industry going twenty kilometres to the west, with a surrounding 20km of housing for the many workers. The twin city is located on the river Zevkhos, a massive river that flows from the giant lake Sai'aqi to the Bay of Zevkhay, that is thought to have been an ancient volcanic caldera from a supervolcano, now very extinct with no signs of geological activity.

Most of the Zevkhay province is comprised of agricultural land including rice paddies, maize, cotton and livestock pens. There are many small communities in this area (most population centres with less than 20 000 people). On the borders between the Milkavich and Zevkhay province, located on the sea near strategic mountain passes can be found Ol'vi in the west and Il'vi in the east. Both cities have a large military prescence, after the many wars with Milkavichian communists.

Past the mountains of the Moon is Milkavich province, dominated by Alfegos's largest city of Milkavich, with a population of just over 103 million. It is a massive industrial hotspot, with mines in the mountains to the south and north, oil in a massive pocket nearly directly under it, and the Grand Fegos to the east. Around it is a massive area of tainted land (the milkavich deadlands) completely stripped of minerals by hundreds of strip mines and oil wells, with dew crops growing amongst the prarie.

In the rest of Milkavich province, there are few other towns with only scattered villages found, except for the large town of Mil'reos on the east coast, with the town of You'vi on the mouth of the Milkos river, on the massive river island.

Past the mountains of the moon can be found the similar terrain to the Zevkhay province: miles of rustling crops and trees, with many small towns and the occasional massive city, with Polinapolis on the mighty river Polinas (the largest river in Alfegos) and Nos'vi in the far north-west.

To the east, in a large open area where the mountains abruptly stop, is the Polinas Deadlands: tens of square miles of radioactive land, formed by atomic bombing there during the first civil war, and subsequent tests in the area after. The place is still inhospitable and mostly bare mud flats and glass flats, due to the backround radioactivty thrown up by nuclear bomb as it tore through the underlying uranium deposit.


Alfegos is mostly tropical, with a dry season and wet season. Since the nation is on the edge of Nova region with the great ocean beyond it, it gets much rain from the sea blown in falling in the mountains, and convection rainfall occuring in the rainforests.

However, the south of it rests in a mediterrainian climate, with the colder nations below it as they go south towards the pole.

There are few storms in Alfegos, due to their tendancy to hit the mountains and release all their rain into the rivers, all floodcontrolled.


The Alfegos economy is that of a manufactruing economy, with most goods now being churned out of the hundreds of factories in Milkavich and Old Zevkhay. However, Alfegos is still self-sufficient with foodstuffs, with a large agricultural sector.

Alfegos has many mines, which are slowly being closed as the shift towards a more profitable economy has begun. Alfegos then gets other nations in to mine, charging them enough money to give the government and the people much more extra money.

In Alfegos, industry is for the most part unregulated, except when the people feel that a company has been doing wrong, which is then debated by senate and the people's jury.

Resources in Alfegos:

  • Basic Foods (such as rice and maize)
  • Fish
  • Luxury foods (Such as sugar, readily produced)
  • Wood (Tropical hardwoods with some more mediterrainian trees in the south)
  • Oil (Much comes from the colonies)
  • Metals (Iron, Copper, Lead, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Uranium, Titanium, Tungsten, Zinc, Nickel, Gold)
  • Stone (masses of granite, basalt and other igneous/metamorphic rocks)
  • Aircraft (mainly civilian)
  • Weaponry (of all types)
  • Vehicles (mainly lorries, trains and buses)
  • Ships (all types)
  • Consumer Goods (most is exported abroad)
  • Electronic Goods (most is exported abroad)
  • Computers (a speciality, with many advanced Alfegos computer parts)
  • Engines (many produced for all applications)
  • Refined Minerals

Major companies in Alfegos:

  • Alfegos Aeronautics (manufactures planes etc.)
  • Alfegos Rare Earth Metal co. (mining and refining)
  • Alfegos People's Cars
  • Le'soi (vehicles)
  • Grand Lumber
  • Nexus (computer and electronic goods)
  • Etra'toi (consumer goods)
  • Fegomart (retail)
  • Twin City Banking
  • Polinas Investments (property)
  • Island Revenue (financial and property)
  • Alfegos People's TV
  • The Neo'Cora (Papers, books)
  • Look (clothing and shoes, perfume)


New Alfegos

Founded on the coast of a former Vanatian land, New Alfegos is known for its many forests, and for its many minerals, fish and oil deposists, with up to 12% of Alfegos oil being provided from the wells there. It is mostly situated on the coast, with its capital on the coast being New Milkavich. It extends out to the highest points of the mountains in a crescent around it, all of which are heavily mined for resources such as tin, lead and cobalt. Fod is taken from the sea and from the many hydroponic farms on the land. It currently has a population of 240 000 people, who are concentrated in 5 towns along the coast and one inland (Darrelville).


A former island in Zaheran, it has been mostly stripped of its resources and is now used as a trade hub, resource processing facility and militarised point, for keeping a watch on its neighbour across the water. It only has a population of 80 000, who are mostly devoted to the many factories, airshipyads, shipyards and Hydroponic farms there. The number of military personnel is classified.


On a continent discovered by Kenomoni lies Neo'los, a colony of around 1500 sqaure miles, dedicated to stripping resources from the mountains and sustainably developing the forests and land around it. The area has a population of 150 000, situated in many small towns, the capital being Neo'Los.


A city and surrounding 20 miles of land comprise of Neo'delgi, dedicated to stripping the rock, silver and lead from the landscape. It also acts as a trade post to Kirav, a nation only a few tens of miles away, which the colony is a former part of. 8000 citizens work the mines, refineries and airshipyard.

Foreign Relations


Alfegos is very outward-going nation, intervening in many an uprising, and trading with many. Its policy can be summed up as "for the greater good".



  • The Theeb Accords (human rights)
  • BAAFT - Bredford-Alfegos Agreement for Free Trade.
  • BACAT - Bredford-Alfegos Civil Aviation Treaty.
  • BAECT - Bredford-Alfegos Educational Cooperation Treaty.
  • BAFCT - Bredford-Alfegos Financial Cooperation Treaty.

National Relation Scale


  • Nations which are the most friendly to Alfegos
  • Nations in which citizens can easily apply for citizenship in Alfegos
  • Nations in which citizens can stay indefinately, requiring only an airline ticket
  • Nations who have few goods searchs, and who have preferred trade
  • Nations who find it much more easy to set up shop in Alfegos
  • Nations who will find Alfegos waiting to help them

These nations are: Bredford, Damirez, Drvarska, Solenial, The USSZ, Zaheran, Rogue Protoss


  • Nations that are in Alfegos's good books
  • Nations in which citizens can satisfactorily apply for Fegosian citizenship
  • Nations from which only a valid passport is required for entry, and stay is allowed up to 3 months.
  • Nations whose goods are searched more the nations with Green rating.
  • Nations who find it OK to set up shop in Alfegos.
  • Nations who will likely as not have Alfegos watching over them in the distance.

These nations include: All FWA members, Hegemony Members, Kirav, Horizon Island


  • Nations that are neutral with Alfegos
  • Nations in which citizens will take a long time to apply for Fegosian citizenship
  • Nations who need a VISA and passport for citizen entry, and can stay up till 6 weeks.
  • Nations whose goods are all searched using X-Ray.
  • Nations who find it quite hard to set up shop in Alfegos.
  • Nations which Alfegos may watch.

These nations include: imported_vIzion, Vitalia, Doomingsland, Faxnavia, Taanara, Weccanfield, Calzoristan, DMG


  • Nations that are in Alfegos's bad books
  • Nations whose citizens can't apply for citizenship in Alfegos
  • Citzens who need a VISA, preliminary vetting, constant surveillance and a valid passport to enter, and can stay for 2 weeks at most.
  • Nations whose goods are all searched by hand.
  • Nations who can't set up shop in Alfegos.
  • Nations that Alfegos watches for entirely the wrong reasons.

These nations are: Siberian Natives, Zamper


  • Nations who are at open war with Alfegos/are hated by Alfegos
  • Nations who citizens are banned from setting foot in Alfegos
  • Nations under an Alfego trade embargo
  • Nations that Alfegos is about to destroy/is destroying/is hating at a distance.

These nations are: Ryou Black Islands



Alfegosian classical music is a very old developed form, still listened to very often in Alfegos, though not always by the nation's youth. Alfegosian classical music is formed of three different disciplines: Son'gea, which involves mostly percussion instruments; Son'moi, which focuses on harmony; and Son'klar, focusing on a variety of instruments to create more rhythmical peces.

Modern music is mostly imported, with home-grown artists borrowing elements of nature from Fegosian music, and other foreign musical ideas.


Alfegosian films mostly have the recurring theme of forests, romance and (more often nowadays) immence battles and graphics, with many personal competitions between directors focused in making the best picture. One of the features being experimented with is holographic cinematography, which though it requires many different cameras and expensive display apparatus is rising, with 3 of these cinemas soon to be opened in Alfegos.

Most Fegosian film techniques are borrowed from abroad, apart from a form of animé based on traditional Fego'jina'rai plays based about the religion of Fegoism.

Ratings In Alfegos, films are rated on the following scale:

  • T (Toi, suitable for all)
  • 10+
  • 14+
  • 18+


Alfegos has a very high literacy rate, with all children required to attend foundation, transitional and high school. These institutions provide the typical child with more knowledge than many institutions, leading to the Standard Fegosian Educational Level (SFEL) and the Progressional Educational Level (PEL).

Above this level are the universities, where many students progress to in Polinapolis, yet not as such in Zevkhay and Polinapolis. Here, they can study for and AFL (Alfegos Foundation Level) AUL (Alfegos Upper Level) and ATL (Alfegos Top Level). These qualifications are notorious for being much harder to attain than comparable levels in other countires, so those with such levels are widely praised and held in higher acclaim than others.


Alfegos has few in the way of homeborn authors, with most books being translations of other Novan novels, all very popular in Alfegos.


While free speech is held in the highest acclaim in Alfegos, the government does own some media channels of communication, allowing quick transmission of news and data to the people, and being able to conceal sensitive information. The media channels display information in both Fegosian and Englsih, so are understandable to most readers.

Newspaperwise, there are not many newspapers in Alfegos, as most news is either watching on television, on mobile phones, on computers or read from public information screens. there are a couple of companies that print in Alfegos:

  • Fegos Times
  • Sunrise Herald


In Alfegos, all television is broadcast by satellite, with 1 satellite dealing with the entirity of Alfegos. To broadcast, you must have a licence, and those who break this law can face 5 year imprisonment or an unlimited fine.

  • Alfegos News Network - Government Controlled news, with ANN1 dealing with all news, and ANN2 dealing with financial news (ANN).
  • Alfegos People's TV - People Controlled news, and programs, from APTV1 to APTV5 (APTV)
  • Sunrise TV - Display a variety of channels, going from Sunrise1 (mix) to Sunrise 8 (News)
  • Fegosian News - Less popular news (FN)
  • xhub - A network dedicated to different aspects of t.v: Cartoonhub, Comedyhub, Docuhub and NewsHub are all obvious in what they broadcast.


Alfegosian radio broadcasters use FM exclusivly, with the only AM stations used by the military. A licence has to be obtained to broadcast radio signals, and the operator has to stay within fixed channels. The channels broadcasted are:

  • APR Radio - A people run station divided into:
    • Radio 1 (83-84.5MHZ) - Pop music
    • Radio 2 (85-86.5) - Mixed music
    • Radio 3 (87-88.5) - Sports commentries
    • Radio 4 (89-90.5) - Talk shows
    • Radio 5 (91-92.5) - News
    • Radio 6 (93-94.5) - Comedy/Drama
  • FR - Fegos Radio(95-96.5), which has a mix of programmes
  • CB - Communal Broadcasts (97-102)Communal broadcasts, featuring a mix of programmes.



In Alfegos, three classes of road are normally found:

  • P class fast motorways
  • S class normal routes
  • C class backroads/residential roads

All P class roads are privately owned, so require a toll paid via mobile phone, or directly at toll booths. They are mainly used though by lorries and logistics companies, as Alfegosians don't often take cars: rather, they use public transport.


The pinnacle of Alfegos public transport is the massive maglev system, that covers the entire nation. Travelling between stops at up to 360 mph, it can make a trip from New Zevkhay to Polinapolis in under 1 and a half hours..

Inside cities, space can be cut by using monorail trains, which gyroscopically balance to provide small track space for moving around passengers and goods.


Alfegos has a developed bus network, that uses electric buses to commute people from outskirts into the city centre, or around the city itself. Payment is usually made using the Alfegos Public Transport Card, which can be topped up at most shops, and is accepted on all buses and many trains.


While Jetstream airlines provide supersonic transport, Alfegos Air provides subsonic air transport and Alfegos Long-range Haulage provides goods movement. These planes land at the many airstrips aroudn the country. In the capital, there are many airports for planes used by Alfegos flights:

  • Liberty Airport
  • Freedom Airport
  • Pe'lo Airport

Alfegos also uses airships very often for slower yet cheaper personnel and cargo transport, with some airships carrying more than conventional ships and travelling twice as fast. Airships land in large airparks on the outskirts of cities, where their massive sizes can be easily handled. Here can alsobe found the hangers where they are built. Most airships in Alfegos were originally made in Prevania.



For details on the army, search the thread in the II forum.


The Alfegos navy consists of 4 main fleets, dedicated to the protection of Alfegos from enemies. They each have the makeup of:

  • 5x Battlecruisers (Either of the City-class or Ultimatum class)
  • 15x Cruisers (Either of the Senator-class, the Forest class or the River class)
  • 50x Destroyers (Either K, L, M or N class)
  • 50x Frigates (Either F, G, H or J class)
  • 1x Supercarrier (President Class)
  • 6x Carriers (Either the High Sea-class or Archer-class)
  • 5x Minesweepers
  • 5x Minelayers
  • 50x Patrol Boats

These are supported by:

  • 60x Tenders
  • 5x Container Ships

There are also 4 transport fleets for the Alfegos army, each holding:

  • 80x Transport ships
  • 40x Heavy Landing Craft
  • 10x Container ships

In total, there are about 2.5 million seamen in the Alfegos navy.


The Alfegos airforce is a very large body, with 100 aircraft wings and 100 helicopter wings, dedicated to bringing death from above.

  • 1st - 3rd Stealth Fighters
  • 4th - 16th Superiority Fighters
  • 17th - 30th Interceptors
  • 31st - 50th Multirole Fighters
  • 51st - 54th Stealth Bombers
  • 55th - 70th Ground Attack Bombers
  • 71st - 90th Tactical Bombers
  • 91st - 95th Heavy Bombers
  • 96th - 100th Training Wings
  • 1st - 4th Stealth Helicopters
  • 5th - 30th Ground Attack Helicopters
  • 31st - 35th Patrol Helicopters
  • 36th - 45th Heavy Helicopters
  • 46th - 50th Anti-aircraft Helicopters
  • 51st - 90th Transport
  • 91st - 95th Medical Evacuation
  • 96th - 100th Training Wings

For support, there is also the logistics airforce:

  • 1st - 60th Transport Planes
  • 61st - 70th Paratrooper Planes
  • 71st - 80th Fuel Tankers
  • 81st - 90th Repair Crews
  • 91st - 100th Command and Control


There is also a branch of the Alfegos airforce dedicated to airships. While they normally work alone, they are grouped into 3 regional fleets, each having:

  • 1x President-class Air Battleship
  • 4x Consul-class Aircruisers
  • 4x Senator-class Aircruisers
  • 8x L-Class AirDestroyers
  • 8x N- Class Air Frigates
  • 20x Tradewind Patrol Airships

The hierarchy for the airfleets is:

  • Able Airman (standard crewman)
  • Air Captain (In charge of a single Airship)
  • Air Flotilla Admiral (In charge of an airship flotilla of 2- 5 airships)
  • Rear Air Marshall (In charge of an airship taskforce 2- 5 airship flotillas)
  • Cloud Marshall (In charge of an airship fleet)
  • Sky Marshall (In charge of the entire Air-Navy)

Alfegos Security and Emergency Services

The Security Services

There are 4 security services in Alfegos, dedicated to provide Alfegos with a fighting chance in this side of modern warfare:

  • The Ministerial Service - Stamp out corruption within the government.
  • The ISS - The secret police, dedicated to anti-terrorism and other covert internal operations.
  • The 2SG - Two classified companies, who provide squads that are used for internal and external missions.
  • Project Gaea - A highly classified project, suspected for external policing.

The most conspicous are the ISS and the Ministerial Service, who are often seen on news reports, and at ceremonies.

The Fire Service

In every city and town in Alfegos can be found the bright orange building of the fire service. Funded by the government, they act in road accidents, terrorist and military attacks, emergancy construction, chemical spillage cleanups and as a more mundane fire-fighting force. The current vehicles used are:

  • LSV-F Fire Tenders, with massive onboard water tanks and large lockers containing all the standard equipment for fighting a fire.
  • LSV-FT Water Tankers, for taking water or more often foam to a fire
  • LSV-FC Command vehicle, for major incidents
  • LSV-FL Ladder carrier, for high-rise fires
  • LSV-FS Special, carrying equipment for CBR incidents and extra equipment such as oxygen tanks.

Dialling 555 and asking for the fire service will connect you to your local fire station.

The Police

An omni-present force of men who are there to keep order, and to investigate crimes. The standard equipment of a police officer include pepperspray, a truncheon, a KSB-AP1 pistol, stab/bullet proof vest and helmet and an integrated communicatiosn unit.

The hierarchy in the police is:

  • Police Constable (basic officer)
  • Police Sergeant (in charge of a group of 4-10 policemen)
  • Inspector (Assigned to Investigation; can warrant house searchs)
  • Cheif Inspector (In charge of 4-10 inspectors)
  • Station Commander (in charge of a station of 16-100 policemen)
  • Constabulary Commander (in charge of the station in a policing zone)
  • Regional Commander (in charge of all the policing zones in a region)
  • Minister for Internal Security (in charge of all police in Alfegos)

Vehicles used by the police include:

  • APC Interceptor Police car, used for high-speed chases or for normal policing duties.
  • VLSV-P Police van, for carrying convicts to prison
  • VLSV-R Riot Police ran, with armoured sides and windows, and an optional watercannon on the roof
  • UH-60AP Police patrol helicopter, with optional door gun and prisoner holding bay.

Dialling 555 and asking for the police will connect you to your local police department.

The Ambulance Service

Provided under public healthcare is the emergancy ambulance service, that will take you to your nearest hospital if you fall ill or have an accident. Each vehicle is crewed by 2 - 5 medics, and is equipped for most normal operations with external lockers and internal lcokers for carrying equipment.

Vehicles used in the Ambulance service include:

  • ULSV-M Ambulance
  • ULSV-ME Incident ambulance, with equipment for special incidents
  • LSV-H Large incident mobile hospital/clinic

Dialling 555 and asking for the ambulance service will connect you to your local hospital.

Unique Alfegosian Aspects

Dates and Times

In Alfegos, out of tradition, is still used the Fego calander. This uses the cycle of the moon to tell of years, in which there are 4 lunar cycles in a year, and each lunar cycle is of 28 days. The calander marks 0 as about 4200BC, so the current date in Alfegos using the Fegos calander is (of 18/11/07) 8/3/20242.

Time is dependant on the normal day-night cycle, which hardly changes due to Alfegos' latitude. There are 16 hours in a day, with 4 hours from sunrise to midday, and 4 hours from midday to sunset, with 8 hours of night.

Counting System

In Alfegos, traditional and rare modern counting methods use a base 4 counting system. While the original symbols were different, the following symbols are used in counting using computer typing:

  • | - 1
  • _ - 4
  • \\ - 16
  • / - 64
  • ( - 256
  • ) - 1024
  • { - 4096
  • } - 16384
  • [ - 65536
  • ] - 262144

Higher numbers are expressed as powers. This system is not used often anywhere due to incompatability with many modern systems, so can only be found on coins, tickets, stamps, in Fegosian subtitles and in some books and newspapers.

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