Statement on the Medical Training Application Service (MTAS) No 2 (12 March 2007)

From Mmc

Statement on the Medical Training Application Service (MTAS) No 2 (12 March 2007)

The review into the first round of the Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) recruitment and selection into specialist training made through the Medical Training and Application Service (MTAS) has now taken place. The review group, chaired by Professor Neil Douglas, Vice Chairman of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, has identified shortcomings in the process and has decided that significant changes to the application form and scoring system will have to be made in the second round. The revised approach will be tested with the main parties involved in the recruitment process including junior doctors and will be agreed with Medical Royal Colleges, deans, trainee and consultant representatives and employers before they are introduced. It is intended that there should be a real opportunity for applicants going into the second round.

Those applicants not invited for interview in the first round will be given the opportunity to have their application form reviewed by a trained adviser from the deanery. Applicants should be receiving a letter giving more detailed information about the process.

More information is available at:


Thank you to all those who have written to me describing your own experience of the MTAS process so far as well as giving suggestions as to how we move forward. I have passed the information to those directly involved.

I reiterate, the Secretary of State is not prepared to withdraw the procedure but with the improvements to the selection process in the second round including the applicant's full CV, it should be possible to make it more effective.

Brenda Billington President 12 March 2007

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