Is it worth going into medicine?

From Mmc

Original Article

Sir, The current chaos in the training and appointments system for junior doctors (letter, July 18) threatens more than just the NHS.

The Department of Health’s shamefully cavalier attitude to the career prospects, health and welfare of those doctors upon which the NHS will depend in future decades has caused widespread disillusionment.

Despite the proliferation of employment, health and safety etc legislation in recent years, the public sector, notably the NHS, appears to be adept at circumventing its impact, unlike the private sector. Not surprisingly, it has no concept of best practice in the crucial area of its human resources.

For example, like many other junior doctors fortunate to have a job after August 1, my daughter had to accept a job offer within an area of about 250 square miles around London before knowing either the name of the employing trust or the location of the hospital.

Until there is compelling evidence of radical changes in senior personnel, procedures and attitudes within the Department of Health, no parent or careers adviser could responsibly advise the next generations to pursue a medical career. That threatens the future of the entire UK medical profession, not just the NHS.


Sevenoaks, Kent

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